Mr. Skeen at Anderson, Mrs. R.C. Hemingray listed


Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald

Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 11, no. 174, p. 8, col. 5


St. John's Sewing Circle Will Give a Performance — Endorsement From Muncie.


The St. John Sewing Circle composed of ladies who assist St. John hospital have accepted the propmtion [sic] proposition of F. P. Skeen for a minstrel performance by ladies of the Circle and others to the number of about forty.

Mrs. R. C. Hemingray, Mrs.. Ralph S. Gregory, Mrs. H. H. Highlands and Mrs. W. L. Little are names to a recommendation from Muncie: "The undersigned members of the Free Kindergarten Association of Muncie cheerfully recommend Prof. F. P. Skeen to any and all societies desiring entertainments. He hag given an entertainment here composed of home talent, called Ladies Minstrels, made up entirely of ametuer talent which met with an enthusiastic welcome from the large audience. Prof. Skeen is courteous, gentlemanly aud fully competent in the business."

Similar endorsements are from Hamilton, O., where the wife of Gov. Campbell was the interlocutor. Mr. Skeen is originally from Brooklyn and was a long minstrel performer. Father King, at St. John's hospital, is acquainted with Mr. Skeen, who put on an entertainment at Union City some months ago.


Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Roger Lucas / Bob Stahr
Date completed:May 31, 2011 by: Bob Stahr;