Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 11, no. 279, p. 1,4, col. 5,3
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Ball Entertain Several Hundred Friends.
That Beautiful Suburban Palace On the River Bank Called "Minnetrista" Was Thrown Open Last Evening - The Reception Was a Magnificent Affair.
Large, commodious and magnificently furnished is "Minnetrista," the beautiful new home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Ball on Riverside which faces the wide smooth boulevard and the river away below. It is really a palace of these modern times and of the three hundred or more society people who were there last night there were few who did not leave reluctantly and with a yearning in their hearts for the beautiful place. "Minnetresta" [sic] Minnetrista last night was the scene of one of the successes of the season. It's wide halls, spacious parlors, library and music room, its cozy nooks and corners and the beautiful dining room were thronged from eight until two and the handsomely gowned ladies, their gallant escorts, the hum of lively conversation, the sweet strains of music, the day dancers, the brilliantly lighted and and artistically decorated apartments made a picture so deep upon the mind that even time cannot efface.
Mr. and Mrs. Ball received unassisted and after the guests had entered from the east, removed their wraps on the second floor and moved down the main stairway into the reception hall they were ushered into the second parlor where Mr. and Mrs. Ball extended their greetings. Mrs. Ball was lovely in her bridal dress, a magnificent gown of white satin, entrain, with pink velvet trimmings, dutchess lace and diamonds. From the second parlor the guests made the circuit of the house with Mrs. Harriet Johnston and Miss Nannie C. Love. The former was in white crepe silk with dutchess lace. Miss love wore a gown of rainbow tinted chiffon. In an alcove off the first landing of the main stairway were Mrs. R.J. Beattie, Miss Edna Streeter and Miss Anna Goddard who served streaming hot coffee and delicious punch. Mrs. Beattie whore pink satin with point lace and chiffon, Miss Streeter was attired in green silk with over dress of mousseline de soi and Miss Goddard wore white silk with jet. In the dining room Mrs. Sheffield in white mousselene de soi and Miss Bessie Williams in white organdie over pink silk attended the guests and after the delicious supper had been served by catereress Price and her assistants, gave each a dainty souvenir in the shape of a bunch of fragrant English violets. When Mrs. Ball was married several years ago her bridesmaids were the ladies who assisted her last night with the exception of Mrs. Johnston and Miss Love.
The decorations were magnificent. Everywhere almost was smilax, both the small and evergreen variety entwined about chandeliers, the stairways and mantels and prominent on the lace curtains and above the wide doorways. Lovely palms were scattered about in charming profusion in several places assisting in shading cozy little nooks with low benches and soft cushions where many a low word of love was spoken. In the conservatory the palms were quite prominent and were greatly admired. The music room was in yellow and among the decorations was a large pot of daffoldils [sic] daffodils. In the dining room lovely American beauty roses and white carnations were on every side. In other apartments were roses and hyacinths. The large reception hall was used for dancing to the music of Hart's famous Indianapolis orchestra. During the evening, thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Ball and their assistants, that feeling of restraint and the formality so much evidence at evening parties was not noticed. The guests thoroughly enjoyed themselves and the event has a prominent place in the history of Muncie's society.
The invited guests were:
Messrs. and Mesdames —
C. H. Anthony G. J. Lotz
Walter Andrews G. F. McCulloch
Erville Bishop J. S. Martin
E. B. Bishop J. R. Marsh
E. W. Bishop A. J. Meeks
C. L. Bender W. M. Marsh
B. C. Bowman Thomas Morgan
A. L. Bingham H. S. Maddy
J. A. Bingham E. W. Moore
Lucius Ball W. H. MacDowell
George Ball Harry Maddy
G. M Bard Peter Menard
B. F. Bradbury C. F. W. Neely
R. J. Beattie T. A. Neely
R. C. Bell C. G. Neely
C. H. Church L. M. Neely
G. O. Cromwell F. B. Nickey
M. S. Claypool Edward Olcott
S. C. Cowan A. F. Patterson
L. Coffeen W. M. Patterson
J. E. Durham C. O. Prutzman
C. T. Dages J. W. Perkins
N. F. Ethell A. J. Phinney
H. W. Ellis J. W. Ryan
Frank Ellis T. F. Rose
L. Franklin J. W. Ream
C. P. Franklin W. S. Richey
Carey Franklin C. Rich
R. S. Gregory C. W. Reed
S. C. Goshorn Robert Sheffield
J. W. Garner C. A. Spilker
J. V. Gilbert W. R. Snyder
J. A. Goddard A. E. Smith
Ralph Georgia C. E. Shipley
J. A. Guthrie M. C. Smith
Robt. Hemingray C. Sampson
R. C. Hemingray W. W. Shirk
H. H. Highlands J. L. Streeter
F. W. Heath J. R. Smith
Jacob Health Emmet Smith
P. S. Heath J. R. Sprankle
W. E. Hitchcock A. E. Shields
M. L. Hageman — Sudberg
J. A. Heinsohn W. S. Stewart
T. K. Heinsohn F. R. Thrall
A. Hamilton E. F. Tyler
J. E. Haffner Edgar Tyler
A. Helm C. M. Turner
T. F. Hart L. M. Turner
W. H. Hickman A. Tomlinson
G. V. Jennings W. A. Thompson
A. L. Johnson M. E. Vandercook
J. C. Johnson H. M. Winans
T. P. Kirby E. J. Whiteley
C. A. Kitts B. H. Whiteley
H. C. Kimbrough A. E. Whitney
C. M. Kimbrough J. F. Wildman
George Kirby A. Wright
John Kirby A. J. Williams
G. H. Koons H. R. Wysor
G. W. H. Kemper A. A. Wilkinson
W. N. Kendall John Wilson
J. W. Little R. Warner
A. E. Lyman W. R. Youse
W. L. Little
Mesdames —
Mary Burson Mary Sample
L. Cassady Suzane Thomas
— Hough Kate Wilson
— Howell A. Winans
Martha Harvey L. Youse
Anna Ireland J. N. Templer
Hattie Johnston John Willson
Carolina McCulloch R. Winton
Harvey Mitchell — Dubois
W. Brundage, Brooklyn, N. Y.
W. C. Ball, Buffalo, N. Y.
J. W. Manok, Vermillion, Dakota
F. Young, Bay City, Mic.
Misses —
Ella Lockwood Clara Koons
Mayme Brotherton Reba Koons
Winifred Brady — Kirk
Vida Cassady — Kroeger
Alice Foulke Nannie C. Love
Anna Goddard Jeannette Love
Josephine Gray Emma Lou Love
Mea Heath Edith Love
Edna Streeter Ida Ludlow
Georgette Kemper Linda Merriman
Hattie McCulloch Jennie Neely
Sarah McCulloch Maude Neely
Emily Olcott — Painter
Bessie Williams — Parker
Grace Keiser Winifried Smith
Helen Garner Lizzie Willard
Lydia Hathaway Fannie SHipley
Sarah Heinsohn Helen Smith
Grace Johnson Nadine Wilson
Hattie Johnson Emma Walling
Mamie Johnson Ida Wilcoxon
Julia Kirby Florence Walling
Edith Kirby Madge Walling
Lucina Ball, Philadelphia, Pa.
Ella Julia Ball, Kankakee, Pa.
Martha J. Brady, Cincinnati, O.
Georgianna Lillard, Chicago, Ill.
— McFarland, Washington, D. C.
Alice Meldren, Buffalo, N. Y.
Messrs. —
J. O. Adams W. D. Kutz
Walter Bowman George Keizer
Frank Burt R. E. Mansfield
Homer Bowles M. Maring
Will Brotherton E. Moffett
E. B. Ball Thomas Neeley
A. W. Brady John Smith
Clarence Carson W. P. Stevens
Arthur Cassady A. M. Wagner
Will Goddard W. Willard
L. S. Ganter R. Williams
— Hyde Ben Williams
Edgar Johnson Fred Wilson
Ray Johnson Sam Wilkinson
P. R. Janney Albert Wilson, Marion