Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 11, no. 291, p. 1, col. 3-4
Three Burglars Get Away With
Many Valuables.
And Two Attempts Between Midnight and
Daybreak — Lee Corbley, Will Meeker,
Robert Hemingray, Henry Baker and
Burt H. Whitely the Victims — Two
Suspects Captured.
A gang of burglars between midnight and daybreak this morning robbed three residences and entered two more. The "swag" they secured will amount to fully $1,000. After the first attempt was reported at the central station the night force went to work with the determination to catch the robbers and recover the stolen property. They did not stop when the day men came on duty but joined forces with them and have been working all day. The result is the arrest of several men and the finding of a portion of the "swag".
Occurred just after midnight at the home of Lee Crobley, 1619 East Jackson street. There were three men and they entered the house by means of a rear window. A silver watch, a lady's cape, a pair of spectacles and about .50 in money was secured. Then the burglars entered the home of councilman Will Meeker a few doors west of Mr. Corbley's home. They entered the parlor through a front window. Mr. Meeker heard a noise and rushing down stairs scared the men away. The next place visited was Robert Hemingray's residence on east Main street. They had opened a front window but hearing Mr. Hemingray inside, did not go in.
At which this trio of bold, bad men resumed operations was at the home of Henry Baker on North Plum street. Entering through a front window they took three watches, a pair of shoes, three lady's wraps and about in change. Mr. Baker was awakened and ran down stairs just as the burglars left the house. Thrusting his head out the window Mr. Baker called to them and was told to pull his head in and mind his own business. This morning two of the wraps were found near the house. One of them belonged to Miss Bessie Long, Mr. Baker, Joe Settle and Rollin Baker owned the watches that are missing.
The beautiful residence of Burt H. Whitely in North View was the last place visited. Mr. and Mrs. Whitely are in Mt. Clemens, Michigan for their health but Mrs. Whitely's sister, Miss Belle Painter, was in the house when the robbers entered. With Miss Painter was Miss Fannie Shipley and Miss Mayme Brotherton but the ladies knew nothing of the robbery until they arose at eight o'clock this morning. Then, to their surprise, they found bureau and sideboard drawers ransacked and the silver closet almost cleaned out. Plated ware, souvenir spoons and a quantity of solid silver was taken. The solid ware was taken from a small safe which had been left unlocked. The major portion of Miss Painter's wardrobe, including capes, jackets, hats, pocket handkerchiefs, etc., was stolen. It is possible that five or six hundred dollars worth of property are gone. The burglars entered the house through a front window and left by the front door.
Late this afternoon it was learned that an attempt was made to enter the residence of American Hamilton on east Jackson street. The Shutters were cut in four place.
Two young men giving their names as Stemmitt Jervis and George Purcell were arrested this morning on suspicion by Patrolmen Ball and Turner. A pair of spectacles found on the person of Jervis were identified by the Corbleys, as the pair stole from their house. Jervis says he purchased them from a stranger but he and his partner will be held for further developments.