Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
col. 2
Two Prominent Ladies Have a Narrow
Escape from Serious Injury.
While Mrs. Thad Neely and Mrs. Robert Hemingray were out driving late yesterday afternoon their horse became somewhat frightened and started to run at a fairly swift rate of speed. Several men seeing the animal travelling rapidly thought it was running away and in endeavoring to stop it only frightened it the more. The ladies became unable to manage the now thoroughly scared animal, and the horse started east on Main street from Walnut. When near Jefferson street the vehicle was dragged upon the sidewalk and the wheels coming in contact with an iron trolley pole both ladies were thrown to the gorund with considerable violence and were somewhat bruised, though not seriously hurt. The buggy was slightly damaged. The horse trotted to his barn. The accident probably would not have occurred but for the attempt being made to stop the horse before it had actually become unmanageabale.