Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
col. 2
Serious Accident to a Young man Who Was
Intoxicated at the Time.
Near the hour of eleven Saturday night there occurred an accident which may prove to be fatal. George Brown, a young man nineteen yearsot age, was the victim. While in a room in the rear of the National hotel saloon, and while under the influence of liquor, so it is said, the young man's clothing came in contact with a gas jet and ignited. He wandered into the alley where he was found later rolling in the mud and endeavoring to extinguish the flames. The fire was soon quenched by Henry Loebenberg and others, but not until Brown had been badly burned about the shoulders over the abdomen and around the head. He was taken to the home of his uncle, George Taylor, who resides on Willard street near Brotherton. Drs. Kemper and Kemper were called and eased the sufferings of the man as much as possible. This morning he was still suffering great pain and his condition is critical. The danger lies chiefly in the bums over the stomach, as even a small bum in this region sometimes causes death. Brown bears a good reputation and is not at all in the habit of becoming intoxicated. His action Saturday evening was a surprise to his friends. He is employed at Hemingray's glass works.