Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
Of This City Meets and Elects Officers For Local Work. (centered)
Will Investigate Transportation Rates to General Committee Meeting to be Held March 13th – Sixty Representatives From Local Unions Going.
A meeting of the Muncie Local Labor Day Committee was held at 10 o’clock yesterday morning in Union Labor Hall and offices to transact the local and preliminary work in this city were elected and are as follows: President, John C. Fox of the cigarmakers’ union; secretary, Omer Mitchell, green glassblowers; treasurer, Harry Neuerman, also representative of glass workers.
The object of the committee organized, was to investigate with reference to securing rates to the general committee meeting to be held at Indianapolis, March 13th, to make arrangements for the grand Labor Day celebration. It is expected that there will be between sixty and eighty representatives from this city in attendance........