Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
Will the State Labor Day Observance be at Indianapolis.
The Committee In This City Completing Arrangements to Attend Committee Meeting March 13th – Rates Secured and Apportionment Being Made.
The state labor day committee in this city is hustling and its efforts will be apparent next September when the delegation of 2,000 people goes from this city to attend the mammoth celebration. The committee in this city has secured low rates to attend the committee meeting at Indianapolis one week from Sunday and it is expected that at least half a hundred representatives from Muncie unions will be present.
Credentials are being received with chosen representatives. Those received thus far are as follows: Green glass blowers No. 12, Omer Mitchell and Chas. Beasley; flint glass workers league No. 9, John Fody and Ed Ulrach; flint glass workers league No. 23, John Dodd and Harry Neurman; cigarmakers union, John Fox and Barry Johnson; musicians association, U.G. Sanders and Eugene Oesterle; iron and steel workers, Chas. Gibbs and Albert Stevens; unity lodge F & S.W., John Buettuer and John Hartman; carpenters and joiners, D.H. Gracy and George Hettle; retail clerks, Wm. Tobin and Leonard Paris; bakers and confectioners, George Derrick and C.W. Sanders; drillers and tool dressers, Thos. Hoover; barbers, Grant Grooms; green glass pressers, James McClain and Wm. Strang; bricklayers, Frank Hones and Sherman Whitaker.
The various other unions will soon present credentials with representatives and the delegation will be accompanied by a number of outside parties also who have taken great interest in the effort being made by Muncie. This city as usual will furnish music in abundance, as two bands will be taken. The committee has notified the Trades Council to make an assessment or apportionment for necessary expenses. One of the objects of the committee meeting will be to appoint sub committees which will have charge of the preliminary work pertaining to the general arrangements of the programme [sic] program, security and selecting speakers, etc. The Muncie delegation will go via the Big 4 and have secured tickets good going on Saturday, March 12th. Those unable to go Saturday night will go Sunday morning.