Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
Is Engineered by Robert Scott, a Boy From Muncie.
Says Uncle Sam’s Navy is Stronger Than is Surmised and the Boys Want War – Something About Battle Ships and Cannon.
Yesterday Mrs. A.F. Scott of 116 South Plum Street received word from her son Robert, who at the time of writing his mother, was stationed at Wilmington, N.C. Robert Scott is a second engineer on board the Monitor Nantucket which will lead the famous mosquito fleet just organized at Wilmington.
Mr. Scott has been connected with the U.S navy for the past four years during which time he has been an engineer on various vessels. Lately he was placed on board the single turreted Monitor Nantucket as the second engineer.
Mr. Scott writes his mother that he believes war is inevitable and that his captain has orders to be ready to sail within twenty minutes. “In the event of war,” he says “the Nantucket will proceed to Southport for orders where she will be probably be stationed. The naval forces will probably be dispatched from that place to patrol the coast of North Carolina. The mosquito fleet which will be made up of from fifteen to twenty steamers. A large fast sailing cruiser will accompany the fleet to cruise in a circuit from point to point as well also several smaller vessels to be used for hospital purposes.”
Mr. Scott in describing the Nantucket says: “It is one of the best single turreted monitors in the navy and her armament is most effective for coast defenses. She carries two mammoth smooth bore guns in her turret with a maximum range of three three to four miles. She has two auxiliary rapid firing guns that will discharge projectiles at the rate of 200 shots a minute. It is claimed of these guns that one is more effective than a regiment of men. Their effect at a mile is terrible. Each division is equipped with two breech loading rapid fire howitzers. We have just received seventy-five thousand rounds of ammunition which is being distributed among the divisions of the fleet.
“The total number of vessels comprising the fleet are in good condition and all connected with each vessel, is anxious for a conflict. The tactics to be resorted to by Uncle Sam, will be quite out of the ordinary in case of war and it is impossible to conceive how formidable the U. S. navy will be.”