Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
Got Down to Business This Morning and the Convention is on.
The Committee On Credentials Appointed at the Morning Meeting – Only Public Session to be Held Occurred This Afternoon.
Muncie has today as her guests one of the finest and most gentlemanly bodies of men that has been in the city for some time and the men who are here as delegates to the twenty second annual meeting of the Glass Bottle Blowers Associate reflect the intelligence of that organization. The delegates have been in the city since the middle of the week and during that time their conduct has been such as to command the admiration and good will of all with whom they have come in contact. The officers of the organization are men who have broad, liberal educations. They do not believe in the one sided questions advanced by some labor leaders. In their conversation the officers and delegates show their euridition and ability in handling affairs of the Association. An acquaintance with President Hays, vice president Daughdy, Secretary Launer or Treasurer Auth, impresses one of the stability of this organization and shows how it is that the bottle blowers seldom have any trouble with the manufacturers and how quickly their difficulties are arranged.
The attendance in the city is almost two hundred, including the officers and delegates with the layman who accompanied them. The first meeting was called to order this morning in the labor hall in the Patterson bloc at 9 o’clock by President Hays. A few minor things were completed toward perfecting the organization of the Association. The only important business of the session was the appointment of the credential committee by President Hays. The committee is composed of the following gentlemen: William R. Hughs, Millville, N.J., chairman; H.C. Moe, Streator, Ill.; Edward Martin, Clyde, N.J.; Harry Christ, Wilmington, N.J., and Harry McDonald, Muncie. The delegates adjourned until 11 o’clock when the report of the credential committee was made. This was all of the business of the session and the meeting adjourned until 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.
This afternoon at 2 o’clock in the court house a public meeting was held by the delegates. It was presided over by President Hays. Mayor Cromer made the principal address and welcome the gentlemen to the city. His remarks excited frequent applause. President Hays responded and thanks the city’s representative for his courtesy in so cordially receiving the members of the association. At the conclusion of the public meeting the delegates and their friends enjoyed a trolley ride. The party was taken to all parts of the city and shown some of the big industries, among them being the largest glass blowing establishment in the world, Ball Brothers.