Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
The delightfully cool weather which has been prevalent for several days past, has enlivened the society folk considerably. Besides the various events that have taken place, several more are to follow this week during which time society will be busily engaged.
A delightful picnicking party left the bus city this afternoon for the vicinity of Black’s Mills where all else but pleasure will be forgotten and where for several hours the merry party will enjoy life, such as it can not be in the noisy city. Lunch baskets filled with delicacies were provided and the picnickers will not turn toward the city until long after sunset. Among those who enjoyed the delightful trip were: Misses Smyser, Ft. Wayne; Maud Neely, Florence McNaughton, Emily Olcott, Sarah and Edith Kirby, Fannie Turner, Carrol Hemingray, Grace Johnson, Louise Anthony, Isabel Preston, Edna Boyce, Clarissa and Reba Koons, Bessie Ellis, Messrs. Will Myers, George Wallace, Fred Harrington of Indianapolis, Robt. Walker, Walter How, Carl Oesterle, Dr. Spikeman, Walter Brown, Ray Johnson, Walter Baker, Albert Richey, C.K. Mavit and John McNaughton.