Publication: The Muncie Morning Star
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 44, no. 14, p. 1, col. 3-5
Prominent Glass Manufacturer
Passes Away While Visiting
at Home of Sister.
Ralph G. Hemingray, 824 East Washington street, prominent manufacturer and one of the city's best known men, died at 5:10 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Bradford Shinkle, near Covington, Ky., after a three days illness.
Although Mr. Hemingray had not been in good health for more than two years, he had greatly improved and was feeling as well as usual when he left here Saturday with Mrs. Hemingray for a visit with his sister. However, before arriving at his destination, he became ill with pleurisy. Sunday and Monday his condition was so improved that he was thought to have almost recovered from the attack, but early Tuesday morning he suffered a relapse. It was at once apparent that his illness was critical and by noon there was little hope for his recovery.
Came to Muncie in 1889.
The first gas boom in Muncie was an additional incentive for industries to move to the natural gas belt, and in January, 1888, Mr. Hemingray, with his father, Robert Hemingray, and brother, Dan Hemingray, announced their decision to move part of their glass factory here from Covington, Ky. The location chosen by this firm, which has continued as one of the big industries of Muncie, was on Macedonia avenue, where it is now. The elder Mr. Hemingray remained here with the new factory until his death, and since that time Mr. Hemingray had been president and general manager.
Prominent Muncie Man Dies in Covington, Ky.
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During his thirty years of residence in this city, Mr. Hemingray was one of the city's most representative citizens. His great generosity was one of his outstanding characteristics and it would be safe to say his friends are legion. He was a life member of the Muncie Lodge of Elks, was a member of the Rotary Club, and other of the city's leading organizations.
One Daughter in California.
Mr. Hemingray is survived by the widow, Eva; two daughters, Miss Llewellyn Hemingray, of Covington, and Mrs. Phillip W. McAbee, of Muncie, who left with her husband last Thursday for California. Upon arriving in California yesterday, they were notified of Mr. Hemingray's death and started east last evening. Two sisters, Mrs. Shinkle and Mrs. Mellie Felix, of Lexington, Ky., also survive. Funeral services will be conducted from the Shinkle home at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon and interment will be made in the Highland Cemetery at Covington.
A number of Muncie people will go to Covington Thursday to attend the funeral.