Publication: The Elmer Times
Elmer, NJ, United States
vol. 17, no. 12, p. 1, col. 2
The Sterling Glass Co, started fire under their new furnace at the old Elmer Glass Works last Saturday. There are now three corporations doing business at these works and still there is room in the big plant. The Sterling Co, is composed of Ellison Elmer, Newton Elmer and Frank Gibson, of Bridgeton, and will run one furnace at present on pressed ware. The New Jersey Metal Co, composed of city people have machinery for making Mason jar lids which they turn out at a rapid rate. The Gilchrist Improved Jar Co., composed chiefly of Pennsylvania people, are manufacturing the lids for the Gilchrist jar. The jars are made in Pennsylvania and shipped to Elmer, where they are fisted up, boxed and shipped. The chief trade this year so far on the jars has been filling western orders.