Publication: The Elmer Times
Elmer, NJ, United States
vol. 19, no. 30, p. 1, col. 6
Daniel Parker and Thomas Duffield were given a decision by Judge Lanning in the United States court last Saturday sustaining the validity of the patents on the Duffield Insulator making machines against the Brookfield Company who sued them charging infringement on their patents.
The fight against the Brookfields has been a long one. Soon after the Novelty Glass Co. began the manufacture of insulators in Elmer the Brookfields brought suit for infringement and the Novelty Co. ceased using the machines complained of and installed the Duffield machine. The Brookfields obtained an injunction but when it was served the old machines had been laid aside. They then instituted an entirely separate suit against Parker and Duffield whose machines have for some time been used by the Elmer Glass Works. They have now however won out and it is hoped will not be annoyed further by the Brookfields in the use of the valuable patents. The original suit against the Novelty Co. is still in the courts where it has dragged along for three years although the Novelty Co. has gone out of business.