Social Affair Was a Great Success, GBBA LU 52 held their annual picnic last Saturday

[Trade Journal]

Publication: The Commoner and Glassworker

Pittsburgh, PA, United States
col. 2

Social Affair Was a Grand Success.

Brooklyn, June 9. - The members of Branch No. 52 held their annual picnic and summer night festival last Saturday evening at Iberts Union Park and it was a grand social as well as financial success. Everything passed off in an orderly manner. There was a record breaking crowd in attendance which brought the "I told you so" smile upon every members countenance. Although the weather was rather cool for this time of the year, yet it was an ideal night for the Billys and Bettys, and you can rest assured that they made the glass blowers night, as so many called it, one long to be remembered.

Branch No. 52 extends sincere thanks for the representation of Glass Cutters' Local No. 68 of the A.F.G.W.U., whose members came in a body and helped make the affair such a great success. They are to have their social affair next Saturday night and we will be more then delighted to reciprocate.

The affair was in the hands of the following committee of ten, who are past masters in the art of arranging social gayeties: Casper J. Hartman, chairman; William Schmidt, John Brennan, Edw. Hughes, Benjamin Morton, Jos. Frohnhoefer, Louis Hartman, Harry Brereton, George Weiss and Fred Kretz. - Gotham.


Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:December 11, 2005 by: Bob Berry;