[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Glassworker
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 30, no. 17, p. 7, col. 2 & 3
Progressive at Brooklyn.
Brooklyn, N.Y., Jan 15. - The members of Branch No. 52 G.B.B.A., commenced the new year by holding its first meeting at their new headquarters, which is located Bueck's Café and Meeting Palace, corner of ten Eyck and Humboldt streets, this city. Branch 52 can now boast of having the most up-to-date meeting room in the city, with all of the latest and most improved paraphernalia of the day, this only being due to the consistent sprit of progressiveness which the members of this Branch are imbibed with. It is the sincere wish of the writer that the members keep on making as good use of their new meeting room as they did of the old one, and a cordial invitation to extend to all members of adjourning branches to pay us a visit and inspect our splendid location.
Peter Gundell, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia, is rapidly recovering and his brother members are all hailing the good news with joy and are anxiously awaiting to see him back at his old stand once more. - Gotham.