[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Glassworker
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 31, no. 41, p. 1,4,5, col. 2-3,1-4,1
Thirty-Sixth Convention of the American Flint Glass
Workers' Union Convenes at Newark, Ohio.
Wonderful Strides Made by Organization
During the Past Year.
By H. W. Gauding.
Under a clear blue sky, with cool breezes blowing, and under the most auspicious circumstances the street demonstration was held last Monday morning at Newark, O., preceding the opening of the 36th annual convention of the American Flint Glass Workers' Union. Headed by members of the general arrangement committee and the Buckeye Band, with the members of Branch No. 24, G. B. B. A., holding the post of honor, the parade circled Newark's beautiful public square about 500 . . . [illegible text] . . . after traversing a short line of march proceeded to the spacious High School Auditorium where the usual preliminaries were carried out in a highly interesting manner.
All the members of Local Union No. 30 turned out in the parade and these, together with the members of Branch No. 24 and 200 visiting delegates, made an excellent showing, their general appearance and demeanor eliciting favorable comment all along the line of march. The national officers and guests of honor were provided with automobiles and positions were assigned them following immediately in the rear of the band.
Arriving at the auditorium Chairman Jas. J. McKay called the meeting to order and in brief, well chosen words, welcomed the city's guests after which he introduced Mayor Swartz, who extended felicitations and introduced City Solicitor Roderick Jones. The latter made it clear to all that Newark citizens felt highly honored in entertaining such a thoroughly representative gathering, and at the conclusion of his well-timed remarks he turned over the keys of the city to the delegates.
Col. Wm. Wells, of the Board of Trade, was next introduced and his humorous extemporaneous references served to put the assemblage in a very happy mood. As a home town boster Col. Wells showed that he is in a class by himself.
Next on the program was Newark's "old man eloquent," George H. Hamilton, the well known moldmaker and campaigner, who delivered a rattling good addres [sic] address as only George can. He caught and held the large audience right from the start and concluded his remarks by reciting an appropriate paraphrase of the poem, "Dopin' Out Life's Game." Hamilton was tendered a great ovation by his hearers. His reference to the presence of members of Branch No. 24 at the opening ceremonies was to the point and was greeted with hearty applause.
A. C. Bingham, president of Branch No. 24, was next introduced by Chairman McKay, and he expressed his pleasure over the proceedings and extended a cordial fraternal welcome to the delegates on behalf of his organization as well as the other trade bodies of Newark. The speaker was generously applauded at the conclusion of his remarks.
Next, on behalf of the national officers and delegates, Vice President Wm. J. Croke delivered a stirring address bristling with good points. He briefly reviewed the labor movement and spoke earnestly and eloquently of its aim and object. He stated that the presence of the local bottle blowers was highly appreciated and tendered them hearty thanks on behalf of the Flints . . . [illegible text] . . . The speaker noted the value of unity in the ranks of the workers and predicted great progress in the future, his remarks being frequently punctuated by outbursts of applause.
This ended the formal speechmaking, after which, in conformity with a resolution introduced at previous conventions by Charles Morningstar, the veteran Moundsville, W. Va., flint glass worker, the convention proper was opened with fervent and eloquent prayer by Rev. L. C. Sparks.
President Thos. W. Rowe then took the gavel and declared the 36th annual convention of the Flints duly opened for business, with Vice President Croke, Secretary Wm. P. Clarke and Assistant Secretary D. J. McGrail in their accustomed places, Organizers Edw. S. Zimmer, Jos. O'Malley, Jos. Gillooly and Robert Luckock also being in attendance.
The committee on credentials, J. W. Martin, of L. U. No. 10, Moundsville, W. Va., chairman; John F. Carbrey, No. 137, Cumberland, Md., secretary, and Frank E. Sigward, No. 1, Brooklyn, N. Y., then reported and all the delegates in attendance were on motion seated.
The following committees were next announced:
Committee on Rules — Thos. Taylor, No. 81, Toledo, O., chairman; Fred Harpfer, 53, Wheeling, W. Va., secretary; Harry Cook, 13, Bellaire, O.; Edward, Bauers, 111, Jeannette Pa., and Harry Calmus, 107, Dunkirk, Ind.
Machine Press Committee — John P. McCullough, No. 60, Lancaster, O., chairman; Cyrus Herron, 23, Muncie, Ind., secretary.
Cutting Department —- Wm. Ludlow, No. 28, Toledo, O., chairman; Cyril Lowe, 68, Brooklyn, N. Y., secretary.
Lamp Chimney Committee — John Armstrong, No. 3, Alexandria, Ind., chairman; S. D. Seese, 40, Weston, W. Va., secretary.
Punch Tumbler Committee — M. G. Betz, No. 9, Wheeling, W. Va., chairman; Jos. Laurell, 10, Moundsville, W. Va., secretary,
Electric Bulb Committee — Fred Wolf, No. 81, Toledo, O., chairman; Geo. Kuhn, 14, Niles, O., secretary.
Moldmaking Department — Roy M. Levis, No. 67, Rochester, Pa., chairman; F. P. Houck, 53, Wheeling, W. Va., secretary.
Paste Mold Committee — Fred Hartmaff, No. 31, Fostoria, O., chairman; C. A. Crosssan, 64, Philadelphia, Pa., secretary.
Caster Place Committee — Geo. Barber, No. 44, Vineland, N. J., chairman; A. J. Toomey, 120, Somerville, Mass., secretary.
Iron Mold Committee — Chas. Shipman, No. 64, Philadelphia, Pa., chairman; Geo. Bartley, 60, Lancaster, O., secretary.
Shade and Globe Committee — John F. Kennedy, No. 1, Brooklyn, N. Y., chairman; John Kreuz, 52, Swissvale, Pa., secretary.
Engraving Committee — Chas. M. Scroggins, No. 59, Moundsville, W. Va., chairman; Chas. Barnes, 35, Marion, Ind., secretary.
Committee on Law — J. W. Martin, No. 10, Moundsville, W. Va., chairman; B. F. Gift, 6, Gas City, Ind., secretary.
Committee on Officers' Reports — John Minkemyer, No. 9, Wheeling, W. Va., chairman; Frank Sigward, 1, Brooklyn, N. Y., secretary.
Grievance Committee — Thos. J, Conboy, No. 3, Alexandria, Ind., chairman; Joseph Dietsche, 81, Toledo, O., secretary.
Estimating Committee — Arthur Elberts, No. 3, Alexandria, Ind., chairman; W. H. Warner, 49, Fairmont, W. Va., secretary.
There being no further business before the house the convention recessed until 2 o'clock, when the committee on rules submitted their report, which was adopted by the convention.
A resolution from L. U. No. 81 was next presented to the effect that the convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole to take up the amendment sheet. This was ruled out of order by the chair. An appeal was taken, but the decision of the chair was sustained by a vote of 150 to 31.
The following fraternal greetings were received from Secretary Frank Morrison, of the American Federation of Labor:
"On behalf of the American Federation of Labor, I extend fraternal greetings to the officers and delegates in convention assembled, and sincerely wish you success in your effort to provide legislation which will redound to the strength and advancement of the organization and its work in the cause of humanity."
On motion the telegram was received and Secretary Clarke was instructed to wire a suitable reply.
"The Glass Bottle Blowers' Association sends fraternal greetings. May your legislation be beneficial to your craft and to organized labor in general.
"William Launer,
"Secretary Glass Bottle Blowers' Ass'n."
A motion that the telegram from Secretary Launer be received and Secretary Clarke be instructed to make a suitable reply was adopted by unanimous vote.
The next business before the house was a request made by the Columbia Tile Co. to operate their plant during the summer stop period. The matter was on motion referred to the machine press committee.
Secretary Clarke then read a number of excuses from local unions not sending delegates. After several cases had been discussed and disposed of a motion was made to refer the matter to a special committee of five delegates, as follows:
John Chadwick, L. U. 113, chairman; Arthur Elbert, No. 3; Wm. Driscoll, No. 13; C. A. Crosson, No. 64; Geo. W. Detritch, No. 34.
Honorary Delegate.
Delegate C. O. Long, of Locals Union No. 13, Bellaire, O., moved that H. W. Gauding managing editor of The Glassworker, and a member of L. U. No. 15, Martins Ferry, O., be recognized as an honorary delegate and given a seat in the convention. The motion was adopted. There being no further business the convention recessed until 8:30 Tuesday morning.
On Tuesday morning the Machine Press committee to whom was referred the request of L. U. No. 43, Grafton, W. Va., asking that they be granted the privilege of working through the summer season, made the following report:
Owing to circumstances and the fact, that L. U. No. 43 makes a line of ware not made by other Locals of this department, we recommend that they be given the privilege." The report was adopted by the convention.
The members of Glass Smoothers Union No. 14,262, of A. F. or L. ask admittance to membership in the A. F. G. W. U. They claim jurisdiction over smoothing, flattening, ruffing, beveling, polishing and machine flute cutting. They have 31 members employed at three different factories.
A motion was made and carried that the application be referred to the Cutters' committee.
The convention then adjourned until the afternoon, when John J. Scannell, a representative of the Boot & Shoe Makers' Union, addressed the delegates advocating the use of the union label, after which copies of officers' reports, badges and other supplies were distributed among the delegates.
Chairman James J. McKay next read the report of the national auditing committee, which was listened to with close attention by all. Motion that the report be accepted and placed on file. Amendment that the report be accepted, that the fine provided in the constitution for secretaries not returning receipts be not enforced this year, but the delegates be instructed to inform their Locals that in the future this law shall be strictly enforced; that the question of the debt and standing of such Locals as Nos. 4, 5, 41 and 50 be referred to the estimating committee, with the suggestion that they consider this matter and make some recommendations to the convention. The amendment and motion was adopted by the convention.
After the report of the auditing committee was disposed of a resolution was introduced by the Niles, O., delegates advocating closer affiliation along industrial . . . [illegible text] . . . discussed, many delegates taking part in the debate, and many interesting points were brought out by the various speakers. The time for adjournment arrived before the discussion was concluded and a recess Was taken until Wednesday morning, when further debate ensued. After several motions and amendments had been made a point of order was raised and the chair decided that the resolution should be submitted in the constitutional amendment sheet, thus closing the matter.
A resolution was next introduced by Delegate Paul Martin, of L. U. No. 19, Toledo, O., proposing that the national officers see to the placing of a floral offering each year on Labor's Memorial Day on the monuments erected to the memory of John L. Dobbins, at Martins Ferry, O., "Gaffer" Smith, at Brooklyn, N. Y., and the monument at Corning, N. Y., erected to the memory of the members who were killed in the railroad wreck at Ravenna, O. This resolution was adopted by unanimous vote without debate.
After transacting some routine business and acknowledging receipts of fraternal invitations from the Newark Aerie of Eagles and other organizations a recess was taken to allow the various trade committees to complete their organization and get down to work.
The auditing committee's report, which was signed, by Chairman McKay, Joseph Schachern, of Monaca, Pa., and John A. Rosenberger, of Alexandria, Ind., showed that the finances of the association are in excellent condition and verified every detail the figures submitted by Secretary Clarke and published in these columns some time ago. Not a single error was found in the secretary's accounts by the committee, which is certainly a record that Clarke can be proud of.
Wednesday afternoon's session was very brief, there being nothing of an important nature before the convention, therefore adjournment was made until Thursday morning and all the trade committees went to work.
Thursday morning's session was of a brief character, there being no business of general importance on the calendar. The same may be said of the afternoon session, which outside of a resolution introduced by the Fostoria, O., delegates, was devoted to purely routine matters. Adjournment was made at an early hour and the rest of the time was utilized in promoting the work of trade committees.
At 5 o'clock the delegates reassembled and a group picture was taken. In the evening many of the solons "were the guests of the local lodge of the L. O. O. M., of which George H. Hamilton is the capable head.
There is but little pre-election talk. Rumors of contests for one of the national offices and for organizer are current, but no definite announcements of candidacy have as yet been made.
The work of the convention is progressing at a satisfactory rate and present indications point to all the work being completed well within the scheduled time.
A special parade of the Gazam degree team and all the delegates may be held next Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock in compliance with requests received from motion picture companies.
Next Tuesday night the Gazams will cavort and, many visitors will be present from neighboring glass-producing localities. The Ohio Valley districts will be strongly represented in addition to the delegation attending the convention.