Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 14, no. 69, p. 3, col. 2
Usual Big Grist of Business Transacted —
Clerk of City Gets a Raise — Fire Department
to Participate in the Parade, & c.
The gavel fell at the accustomed time and the city fathers proceeded to the disposal of the business on hand.
Supt. Springer, of the Bell Telephone Co., presented receipted bills for the telephones at the police headquarters and city clerk's office. He also complained that Mr. Edwards, the house mover, was ruthlessly destroying the city’s telephone system by catching wires in recklessly passing beneath them. Mr. Springer asked permission to build a sidewalk on Main street, near Ohio avenue, and on Ohio avenue from Main street north. The former petition was granted, but owing to the fact that the latter contract had been let according to the law, providing against delay on the part of property owners. Mr. Haymond suspected that the receipts from the telephone company were only the means of enabling the company to present phone bills after the council is out. The committee in charge of telephone contracts was then ordered to make a report at the next meeting.
The following bills were allowed: Engineer's pay roll, $327.53; W. James, $9.09; J. James, $10.00; S. Dewees, $9.00; — Downing, $9.00; B. Wright, $5.75; Arth Wright, $5.75; L. Fletcher, $7.50; C. S. Wachtell, $10.00; L. Kurtz, $10.00; — Rider, $2.25; — Horner, $4.50; — Crist, $4.50; H. R. Mock, $60.80; H. R. Mock, $307.02; Neely Printing Co., $7.60; R. Scott, 55c; W. Electric Co., $59.94; A. R. Mock, $97.61; L. M. Hurley, 50c; Garbage hauling, $37.50; Hemingray Glass Co., $84.00; J. R. Crozier, $27.00; C. P. Franklin, $33.65.
Mr. Haymond read bills made by City Engineer Wood against the following companies for repairs made on streets left in bad condition: Muancie Water Works Co, $197.93; Muncie Natural Gas Co, $195.15; Heat, Light & Power Co, $93.30.
Chief Shepp signified his willingness to take part in the parade next Monday. He also asked for a donation from the council for decorating the fire apparatus appropriately on that occasion. Mr. Haymond feared that in case of fire during the parade the city would be liable for damages. The matter was referred to the Committee on Fire Department, which is in favor of the department parading.
On motion of Mr. Youse $25 was appropriated for the decoration of the city building and the fire apparatus. The matter of securing the money was referred to the fire committee.
Mr. Berger reported bids for the sewer on the north side of Main street, and for sewers No. 1 on Wysor and No. 1 on Vine. The contracts were let to the lowest bidder, in each case.
The recommendation of the streets and alleys committee that the petition of C. C. Crampton and others praying that they be permitted to build their own sidewalks on Ohio avenue of broken stone be refused, was concurred in.
A resolution was read and passed relative to the salaries of the city officers and employes which were determined on as follows: Mayor, $1,000; City Clerk, $1,850; City Treasurer, $1,800; City Engineer, $1,600; City Attorney, $1,000; Chief of Fire Department, $1,000: Assistant Chief, per month, $55; Secretary Board Health, year, $400; Supt: Electric Light plant, per month, $75; Librarian per month, $55; Sexton Beech Grove Cemetery, $55; Linemen Electric Light plant, $50; Engineer Electric Light plant, $60; Supt. garbage furnace, $60; Ass’t Supt. garbage furnace, $50; Firemen of fire department, $50; President of Board of School Trustees, per year, $75; Secretary Board of School Trustees, per year, $75; Councilman, per year, $75.
The above fees and salaries are to be paid on the first of each month except in cases where the salaries are fixed at so much per annum. The only change made in the salaries of the employes of the different departments was an increase of $50 in the salary of the clerk to compensate him for the additional work made necessary by the new law. The salaries of the school trustees were made equal, $75. After opening several bids the council adjourned.