[Trade Journal]
Publication: Crockery & Glass Journal
New York, NY, United States
vol. 25, no. 2, p. 17, col. 1-2
PITTSBURGH, Jan. 8. THE regular annual meeting of what was heretofore the Western Flint and Lime Glass Protective Association convened at the Monongahela House in this city on January 5. The usual time for holding this meeting has been the second Monday in January, but for the convenience of the Eastern manufacturers the day was changed to Wednesday. The session was a brief one, as there was little important business to be transacted, lasting from 11:30 A. M. to 2 P. M., but the attendance of members was very full, all parts of the country being liberally represented. Mr. D. C. Ripley. president of the Association, occupied the chair.
The name of "The Association of American Flint and Lime Glass Manufacturers" was adopted for the consolidated organization in place of the one hitherto used, the latter not being considered sufficiently indicative of the extent of the field now covered by the Association.
Some few and inconsiderable changes were made in the constitution, and these were of interest solely to the members themselves.
After the transaction of some strictly routine business, such as always engages the attention of the Association at its regular meetings, the election of officers for the current year was proceeded with. The following gentlemen were chosen: D. C. Ripley, of Ripley & Co., Pittsburgh, president; James H. McCloy, of the Excelsior Flint Glass Co., Pittsburgh, and James Gillinder, of Gillinder & Sons, Philadelphia, vice-presidents; Thomas Evans, of the Crescent Glass Works, Pittsburgh, treasurer; Paul Zimmerman, of the Fort Pitt Glass Works, and Andrew H. Bryce, of Bryce Bros., Pittsburgh, additional managers; and Jos. G. Walter, actuary; the executive board to consist of the six first-named officers. The office of secretary was discontinued, and an additional vice-president was elected, which was the only change made in the constitution of the board.
There was seldom a meeting of glass manufacturers held here that obtained more popular recognition than this, and the papers here printed growing though purely imaginary accounts of the importance of the business done and the usual revolutions effected in the trade.
Some weeks ago the local manufacturers here resolved to pay a compliment to the outside members of their organization by the tender of afbanquet. this being the first time since 1878, if your correspondent's memory is not at fault, that there was a general meeting of the flint gjass manufacturers held here. Geo. W. Blair, D. C. Ripley, and J. F. Kirk were appointed, a committee to carry out the project, and they sent invitations to erery member of the Association. The response was liberal and the attendance larger than on any former occasion. During the period between the adjournment of the meeting and that set down for the opening of the banquet part of the time was utilized in visiting the glass factories and inspecting the mode of manufacture here as well as the peculiar fuel used. At 8:30 o'clock about 150 persons sat down to dinner in the large dining hall of the Monongahela House, which was tastefully fitted up for the occasion, the tables being literally loaded down, as well with delicacies for the palate as with ornate floral and other decorations, some of which were very striking.
Mr. George W. Blair made the opening address of welcome, and spoke as follows:
In 1875 the Western, Flint and Lime Glass Manufacturers' Association was formed, with a membership of twelve or fifteen. Through many vicissitudes it has grown in strength, until to-day we have met and formed a national flint and lime glass association with a membership of fifty-flve. To-night we meet around this social board, not to baptize a new-born child, but to crown the full-grown man with kindly feelings, good wishes, with warm hearts and strong wills, realizing that in union there is strength, in fraternity there is confidence, in harmony there is success. Gentlemen, members of the East and West we of Pittsburgh extend to you our most hearty and cordial greeting; and invite you to eat, drink and be merry.
Messrs. Jesse H. Lippincott, James Gillinder, N. B. Scott, F. S. Shirley and Henry S. Spurr also made appropriate remarks.
Mr. D. C. Ripley, president of the Association, delivered a very effective address, and that part of it which referred to copying patterns, from which practice Mr. Ripley, who is a man of much inventive genius, has probably been as great a sufferer as was present, was warmly commended for its forbearance and the speaker's evident desire to admit all the extenuating cicumstances the case admitted of. These are Mr. Ripley's remarks in full:
As we are assembled we represent one of the largest industries of the country, one that we should be proud of, and one that no man can call himself master of, as the constant demand for new shapes and colors keeps him on the eager search for something better. We have, however, kept pace with the demands, and in the last five years have made more improvements than in the twenty previous. Articles in pressed ware that almost rival cut goods in appearance, blown ware in various shapes and colors, have been produced which a few years ago were considered impossible. The manufacture of cut goods whose wares are the jewels of any man's table, has also made great improvement. The chimney manufacturers seem to have made less improvement in their branch than any. The old lady and.gentleman are still wondering why they cannot get a chimney that will not break. The small boy is sent to the store bearing the same instructions that some of us bore when we were boys: ''Sonny, tel| him to give you a good one this time.'' There is scarcely a family in the country whose table is not decked with articles manufactured by some one present; the sober, industrious workman and the millionaires of the country all contributing toward keeping our fires burning. We are assembled here this evening not only to enjoy the good things placed before us, but to enjoy one another's society. We are seated side by side, the man who has perhaps cut our prices, copied our goods, or made some jobber believe our goods inferior to his, or in various ways deprived us of what we call our trade. We are apt to think that others should keep out of our way, and if a friend embarks in our line immediately another feeling takes possession which is anything but friendly. Previously you regarded his opinion of an article; now he rarely has an opportunity of expressing one. He naturally thinks you have lost confidence in him, and he has in you. Jealousy and selfishness are two things that no business man should harbor. Now, what we want is faith in one another; if your neighbor calls on you, show him what you are doing, and he would be a mean man that would abuse your confidence. There are those present who have been wronged, and perhaps have just cause for complaint, but we would have all start the new year understanding that our neighbor is just as good as we are; forget and forgive, and let those who were the saints shake hands with the sinner, auil the sinner shake hands with the saint — if he can find him. Do not judge in too hasty a manner; investigate before you believe what an interested party has to say relative to your competitor. It is astonishing how many changes apparently well founded will after investigation by your Association prove utterly false or can be satisfactorily explained. Our organization has grown in the natural way; we have not come into existence like a hothouse plant, to be swept away by the first unfavorable exposure; we have grown slowly for years; and now our branches, like those of'the sturdy oak, stretch far and wide, and we hope the limbs will strengthen financially, morally, and with good fellowship. The relations now existing between glass manufacturers are generally better than those of any other industry, and with a view of strengthening that feeling the Pittsburgh members have brought about this meeting of the East and West, hoping that all will work to one another's advantage as far as practical."
Letters of regret for non-attendance were read from Hibbler & Rausch, Francis Storm. J. N. Huwer and F. Thill, all of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Brox & Buckley, Port Jervis, and the Corning Glass Works, Corning, N. Y.; Gill & Murray, Philadelphia; Columbia Glass Co., Findlay, and the Crown Flint Glass Works, Ravenna. Ohio; the Hemingray Glass Co., Covington, Ky; and E. De La Chapelle, Ottawa, Ill. The entire evening was spent in a pleasurable manner, anil when the guests departed they did so with the consciousness of having put in an excellent time fraught with good will and enjoyment. Some of the visitors remained in town until Friday and Saturday, when finding that the jobbers were already beginning, to put in an appearance they fled precipitately homeward to put their own houses in order for business.