Publication: The Muncie Daily Times
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 2, no. 65, p. 1, col. 3
One Hundred Thousand More to
Our Credit.
Location of Another Factory.
The Sound of One Thousand
Hammers, the Roar of
Twenty Gas Wells.
The Good Work Goes on and
Muncie will be the Pittsburg of the
West – The Lowell of the
United States.
The TIMES tells the same story often. It tells it briefly, but tells the truth every time. We have now to announce the location of another factory in Muncie that is in importance second to no other enterprise that has located within the gas belt within the past year.
Last evening a contract was signed by Goshorn & Lupton of the first part, and Charles H. Over of the second part, whereby the parties of the first part donate six acres of ground upon which to locate a glass factory that will require in its operation from 150-200 hands. At least that number of skilled workmen will be employed at wages ranging from $20 to $35 per week. They have land as above stated, free gas and $8,000 in cash, and are to manufacture all kinds of window glass. Mr. Over is a capitalist from Wheeling, West Va., and comes to this place to secure the benefits derived in the use of natural gas. There is no exclusive window glass factory in the state, except that of the late W. C. Depauw, and the importance and advantage of this plant will add greatly to the wealth and prosperity of the city. Messrs. Tuthill, Goshorn and Lupton, are the gentlemen who deserve special credit for securing this important industry to our city – an industry that will bring not less than 600 more people here and that will add at least $150,000 to our material prosperity.
Under the contract, which is signed and delivered, work will begin within sixty days, and is to be pushed to an early completion.
Mr. Over left for his home this morning and will return as soon as possible to commence the building.
The good work continues to go on and we can now add to our list of important industries manufacturies that would be a credit to any city. The Handle Factory, the Bagging Factory the Dent Wood Works, the Indiana Bridge Co.’s Works, Ball Glass Works, the Rubber Works, the Pulp Works, the Hemingray Glass Works, the Francis Tagger Mills and other not now called to mind, are in successful operation, or settled facts. The sound of one thousand hammers may be heard in and around the city preparing buildings to be used to live in or put in machinery that is not only to make Muncie the “Pittsburg of the West,” but will make the city he Lowell of the United States.
Twenty gas wells now send out their heated flames to run this vast machinery and the supply is inexhaustible. There is room for more. Come and investigate for yourselves.