Ralph Gray Hemingray

Tid Bits


Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald

Muncie, IN, United States

It Pleases.


Will Kirby to ride a bicycle.

Frank Smith to eat an apple.

Clint Huff to be a politician.

George Fifer to make mash.

Harry Streeter to go fishing.

Henry Leon to attend a dance.

George Dungan to assist at a fire.

Joe Hammel to smoke a cigarette.

Ralph Hemingray to drink beaf tea.




Keywords:Hemingray : Tid Bits
Researcher notes:It is not clear whether or not this is a typo and should read "beef tea" as in "beef broth."
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Roger Lucas / Bob Stahr
Date completed:May 12, 2004 by: Glenn Drummond;