Publication: The Muncie Daily Times
Muncie, IN, United States
A Complete List of the Old and New
Boxes and Location.
Through the kindness of Fire Chief Shepp the Times is enabled to publish the complete list of the old and new fire boxes and their location:
FIRST WARD, Box 12 - On Liberty street, between Main and Jackson streets.
Box 13 - Corner Kilgore avenue and Jackson street.
Box 14 - On Charles street between Liberty and Cherry streets.
Box 15 - Corner of Proud and Charles street.
Box 16 - Corner of Gharky and Powers streets.
Box 17 - Opposite Nelson glass works.
Box 18 - South Liberty street opposite J. H. Smith & Co.'s bending works.
SECOND WARD, Box 21 - South Walnut street opposite National hotel.
Box 23 - On Walnut street between Main and Jackson streets.
Box 24 - Wysor & Hibbits' mill.
Box 25 - Corner of Adams and Walnut streets.
THIRD WARD, Box 31 - Corner of Adams and Elm streets.
Box 32 - Corner of Madison and Willow streets.
Box 34 - On Gilbert between Jefferson and Elm streets.
Box 35 - Corner of Main and Jefferson streets.
FOURTH WARD, Box 41 - Corner of Washington and Vine streets.
Box 42 - On Adams between Vine and Monroe streets.
Box 43 - On Hackley between Adams and Charles streets.
Box 45 - Corner Adams and Beacon streets.
Box 46 - On Hackley street between Main and Washington streets.
Box 47 - Corner of Ohio Avenue and Jackson street.
Box 61 - On Merriweather Avenue, opposite Ball Bros. office.
Box 62 - Corner of Grant and Willard streets.
Box 63 - Corner of Ohio and Kirby avenue.
Box 64 - Between the Hemingray and Over glass works, one square east of Macedonia avenue.
FIFTH WARD, Box 51 - On Walnut street, Zook's planning mill.
Box 52 - Corner Willard and Liberty streets.
Box 53 - Corner Florence and Franklin streets.
Box 56 - Corner Third and Madison streets.