Publication: The Muncie Daily Times
Muncie, IN, United States
Robert Hemingray Has a Fine Flock
of Pedigreed Fowls.
Last evening a Times reporter visited the Hemingray glass factory, where he was shown one of the finest flocks of game chickens in the State. The fancy fowls are the property of Mr. Robert Hemingray. There are about fifty of the birds and every one is an individual beauty. They are all great pets and very tame. When Mr. Hemingray goes among them they recognize him and when he calls they fly to him, alighting upon his head and shoulders. They are small in size and have long wings and tail feathers that enable them to fly with the ease and swiftness of a bird.
Mr. Hemingray raises the chickens for his own table and for his friends and he takes great pleasure in petting and caring for them. They are also great pets about the factory where they roam at will and during the cold weather they gather around the furnaces.
The chickens are all from the best game stock and the roosters would be valuable to a man of sporting inclinations, but Mr. Hemingray never looks into a cocking main.