George Bliss resigns from Tillotson Chicago office

[Trade Journal]

Publication: The Telegrapher

New York, NY, United States
vol. 9, no. 349, p. 77, col. 1

Resignation of Mr. George H. Bliss.


Mr. GEORGE H. BLISS, who has for several years held the position of Superintendent of Telegraph of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway, has resigned that position, and will hereafter give his whole time and attention to the manufacture and sale of telegraph instruments and supplies, heretofore conducted under the name of BLISS, TILLOTSON & CO., at Chicago, Ill.

Mr. BLISS is a good electrician, and has been an able and efficient telegraph Superintendent. The large and increasing business of the concern, of which he has been and is the senior partner and manager, now requires his whole time and attention, and we have no doubt but that he will find the relinquishment of the laborious position which he has held in the service of the C. & N. W. Railway beneficial to himself pecuniarily. He will have the good wishes of his many telegraphic and railroad acquaintances and friends for ample success in the business to which he proposes to devote his attention exclusively in the future.


Keywords:L. G. Tillotson
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:October 31, 2005 by: Elton Gish;