[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Telegrapher
New York, NY, United States
vol. 9, no. 369, p. 197-8, col. 3-1
Western Telegraphic Manufacturers in New
DURING the last two weeks we have had the pleasure of greeting several of the leading manufacturers of electrical and telegraphic apparatus and supplies in this city, and renewing our pleasant personal acquaintance and relations with them.
The first to visit us was Mr. E. M. BARTON, of the Western Electric Manufacturing Company of Chicago. This is the largest establishment of the kind in the country, and we were pleased to learn that this company is doing a large and remunerative business. Their shops in Chicago are fully and profitably employed to the extent of their capacity, and their business is constantly increasing.
Mr. GEORGE W. STOCKLY, Secretary and Treasurer of the Telegraph Supply and Manufacturing Company of Cleveland, Ohio, also spent several days in the city last week, and we are informed completed some important business arrangements, which are likely to prove
advantageous in the future. Of this company Mr. GEORGE B. Pima, whose death occurred some mouths since, was President, and during his connection with it contributed largely to its success. This company is also, as Mr. STOCKLY informs us, doing a good and increasing business, and is generally prosperous. They retain the control of Mr. HICKS' specialties, the value and importance of which are well known to the telegraphic managers.
Last, but not least, we have this week been favored with the presence of Mr. GEORGE H. BLISS, of GEORGE H. BLISS & CO., of Chicago. Mr. BLISS has been spending two or three weeks at the east, recruiting his energies after the severe labors of the past year, and he returns home much improved in health, and prepared to enter once more with renewed energy and vigor into the management of the business of his company. He resigned the important position which he held for several years, of superintendent of telegraphs of the C. and N. W. Railroad, to devote his entire time and energies to the business, which was formerly conducted under the firm of BLISS, TILLOTSON & CO. Mr. BLISS also reports a largely increased and increasing business, and has seen no reason to regret his action in devoting himself entirely to this business. He is an active, energetic and persevering business man, and under his management there can be no doubt that there is a successful future before the company with which he is connected. He is also an excellent and experienced electrician and practical telegrapher, and those who may patronize his company may depend upon intelligent, honest and fair service and treatment.
The Western manufacturers who patronize the advertising columns of THE TELEGRAPHER are all prospering, and cheerfully concede that much of that prosperity is due to the facilities which it affords of making known their business and facilities to purchasers of electrical and telegraphic supplies.
We have been much gratified at the opportunity we have had of seeing these gentlemen, and at their evident appreciation of THE TELEGRAPHER, and of our efforts to maintain a telegraphic organ which reaches all classes engaged in telegraphy. It also pleases us to know that they are all prospering, and that their prospects of future success are so brilliant and satisfactory. There is room enough for all, and the rapid expansion of the telegraphic system will furnish ample and remunerative employment for many years to come.