The Owl Telegraph Company

[Trade Journal]

Publication: The Telegrapher

New York, NY, United States
vol. 10, no. 438, p. 293, col. 2-3

The Owl Telegraph Company.


PROBABLY few of the readers of THE TELEGRAPHER have ever heard of the "Owl Telegraph Company," and would be puzzled to locate it. It was organized Dec. 27th, 1873, and is in very successful and satisfactory operation. The operators never complain of inadequate salaries, and the stockholders are entirely satisfied with the financial results. This company is composed of a number of citizens of Newark, N. J., and connects the residences of its members, who are thus enabled to communicate with each other for social purposes. The stockholders are the operators, and it is strictly a cooperative concern.

The officers of the company, of which it has as complete a list as more pretentious telegraph organizations, are Mr. Geo. W. Ketcham, President, Mr. J. A. Seaver, Vice-President, Mr. A. D. Chambers, Secretary and Treasurer; Mr. Thos. V. Johnson, Jr., Gen'l Superintendent; and G. A. Van Wagener, M. D., Electrician.

Mr. Robert Brown, the veteran telegraph constructor of this city, has recently put up for the Owl Company a line commencing at Railroad avenue, Newark, extending to Broad street; thence with two wires on a four wire cross-arm put up by the company over poles of the Franklin Telegraph Company to corner Central avenue and Summit street, where a new pole line with two wire cross-arms, glass insulators, and best quality No. 11 iron wire, runs to Roseville. A loop leaves the main line in Bank street, extending one and a third miles, and another of half a mile from Summit and Bleecker streets.

The instruments used are the ordinary Morse, which, as before stated, are worked by the parties interested.


Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:January 7, 2006 by: Elton Gish;