Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
The Commercial Club Held Meeting
Last Night.
The Commercial Club held the first session since June 27th, last night. The club adjourned in June pending the warm weather and campaign. There was a goodly number of the members present. President Boyce occupied the chair. W. A. Richison was admitted to membership.
A representative of the C. & E. I. railway was present and asked the cooperation of the club in securing some concessions from the city council. A special committee of ten was named, consisting of the following well known gentlemen: F. C. Ball, R. J. Beatty, Bert Whitley, G. F. McCulloch, A. L. Johnson, R. Hemingray, O. B. Bannister, and James Boyce. This committee was likewise instructed to confer with the officials of the different railways entering Muncie and urge the advantages of a union station. It was also asked to confer with the general freight agent of the Big Four at Indianapolis, Nov. 15, regarding freight rates on coal.
At the next meeting of the club, officers for the ensuing year will be elected. A nominating committee was named: J. C. and A. L. Johnson, G. F. McCulloch, B. W. Bennett, and B. Scott. An effort to bring in politics was promptly set down upon.