Publication: The Defiance Democrat
Defiance, OH, United States
vol. 6, no. 23, p. 1, col. 4
Glassware from Minnesota Sand
We have heard a good deal of the golden sands of the Sacramento and San Joaquin, and have seen some of their conglomerated grains; but we have seen some of the products of some of the sand from the new Territory of Minnesota, which are equally valuable with the Pactolean grains which have rendered California famous throughout the world. We have been shown a splendid massive glass pitcher, of crystal clearness, and extraordinary strength, - and a pocket flask, and a powder horn of a variegated clear, and opaque material, made at the Glass Works of Messrs. Gray and Hemmingray [sic] Hemingray, up Hammond Street, (by the way, the most enterprising and ingenious manufacturers in their line in the country,) of sand brought from the Territory of Minnesota, last Fall, by Isaac Young, of this city.
The success of the experiment is complete, and the specimens before us clearly prove that in addition to her vast forests of pine timber, the new Territory contains a California treasure in her sand so admirably calculated for the manufacture of glass-ware. Sand of the proper quality for the successful manufacture of glass, is rarely found in quantities sufficient to make it an object. It exists in portions of Delaware and New Jersey and we are informed that the works at Pittsburgh are supplied mostly from Missouri. The sand from Minnesota from the crystal clearness soundness and strength of its glass is unsurpassed, and form a great article of export as well as give rise to numerous factories within the limit of this new and thriving Territory.
It is well worth the while of those interested, to call and examine these fine specimens which may be seen at the establishment of the manufacturers. - Cin. Dispatch