Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 11, col. 1-2
A List of Persons Who Contribute
Largely to Defraying the
Expenses of the County.
Below we publish a list of persons in Delaware county who pay into the county treasury sums of $100 and upwards. On account of few of the names appearing on the tax duplicate in several places the list is not complete. For instance we take for example Mr. J.H. Wysor, who owns a third interest in the Muncie Foundry and Machine Works. This company does not appear in the list yet, Mr. Wysor pays his third of the taxes, so that it can be readily seen that if it was added to the amount credited to him in this list he would pay several dollars more. There are a few more instances of this kind, but otherwise the list is correct, and is given by townships, although Muncie is not included in Centre Township.
William Abbott $153.16
John Bishop ..108.69
J.S. Buckles ..218.69
Ball Glass Works ..293.11
Samuel Cecil .103.21
Austin B. Claypool 221.06
Del. County Land Imp. Co ... .314.17
John Fullbart ..114.46
Josiah Huffman ..160.67
John R. Hines 109.06
Stephon Hamilton ..152.15
Arch Hamilton, deceased ...390.06
Gilbert Hughes ...137.89
Hemingray Glass Co .358.45
W. H. Luick........................................178 62
Parker Moore.....................................146 02