Publication: The Muncie Daily News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 14, p. 1, col. 2
The Merry-Go-Around With the Same
old Tunes.
Grand Preparations for the Ancile
Club Reception. — Gossip Gathered
on the Rounds.
Ralph's Latest.
Ralph Hemingray always has a new story, an old one boiled over, a second-handed story, or at least a story of some kind. So his latest goes, Ralph was riding along through the south one day, carrying an eight-day clock under his arm. He dropped the clock which was swallowed by a passing over-grown black-snake. Until the clock ran down it struck regularly and a ticking could be heard; he found some eggs which had been deposited in a hole by the reptile, and on breaking them open found that each contained an open face watch in first class running order. He sold the watches at a big profit, and has now given the snake a post-hole auger in the hopes that it will produce sufficient corkscrews to enable him to start a wholesale drug store.