Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 13, no. 73, p. 3, col. 6-7
Metropolitan Police System
L. A. Goddard Re-Elected School
Trustee. — John Heffner Re-
Employed. — Much Other
Business of Minor Importance
The Council met last night with all councilmen present. After the reading the minutes the Mayor and city officials were invited to attend the High School commencement Friday evening and that reserved seats had been given them. The invitation was accepted by common consent. The following persons were given permission to build their own sidewalks: Thomas Evans, on Beacon street; Wm. Willard on Kirby ave.; Lynch Heath on Willard street; Julia A Sawyer and Albert Modler on Wysor St.
Day offered a petition for widening Ohmer avenue and it was referred to the councilmen in that ward.
Edmund Braun asked for an electric light to be placed in front of the Abbott House on the corner of 13th and Mulberry streets. It is no doubt but that this is a bad place to congregate. Referred to committee on street lights.
A petition from the members of Grace Episcopal church asking to be relieved of paying for sidewalk improvement and to be reimbursed for five feet of ground taken by city, was referred to Finance committee. Crabbs wanted 21st street improved from bridge to mount. Mrs. Parson remonstrated against improvement of alley near her residence.
The following bills were allowed.
S. Jewett ........................$ 3.75
W.S. Richey.........................64.90
M.B. Jones............................9.00
Herald Printing Co..............90.55
Hemingray Glass Co...........11.25
Henry Smith........................ 1.50
Pay Roll..............................41.95
Mute Harris..........................1.50
Muncie Nat. Gas Co...........50.00
Western Union Tel. Co.........1.25
Gas for April.........................7.30
Gas for May..........................9.00
Impt. Of Willard St...........172.65
C.H. Anthony......................22.39
Susan Thornburg................17.50
John W. Little.......................9.00
J.H. Williamson...................9.00
Eliza Miller........................28.70
Board of Health reported that alley between Council and Main and Jackson and Mound streets contained enough filth to kill a whole city. Crabbs moved that the civil engineer be ordered to place a force at work to clean all alleys at the expense of the city. After discussion it was passed, and Young asked where this dump was to be taken. No action taken.
Patterson moved that the Marshal and Police Force of the city should arrest all person who were found violating the Sunday laws, or report them to prosecuting attorney. Carried.
Porter moved that the Chief of Police be ordered to send a policeman to east part of town. Moreland, south. Motions carried.
At this time the council offered a large number of sewer resolution Johnson one on Liberty street, south of railroad, as far as Anthony street, for relief of Bridge Works from “a perfect sea of water.” Carried. Johnson, a Jefferson and Main street sewer No. 4 as far as Madison street, and a Min street sewer No. 5 as far as Liberty street. Carried.
Lyman, Charles street sewer No. 2, from Hackley to Madison, and Walnut street sewer No. 2, extending to Florence street. Carried.
Lyman offered declaratory resolutions for the paving of Main street from Franklin to Madison with asphalt. Likewise one with paving brick.
Lenon offered similar resolutions for paring Walnut street from Gilbert to Willard with asphalt. Likewise one with paving brick. Objections will come up on July 4, 1892. It was carried unanimously.
Driscoll moved that John Heffner be employed as policeman in conjunction with the merchants of our city at the same salary as last year. Johnson alone voted no.
Day wanted Ohmer Avenue improved.
The election of school trustees was then entered upon and Highlands nominated W. T. Little. Lenon nominated J. A. Goddard. Goddard received 9 votes and Little 3.
Highlands offered an ordinance for regulating the police force of Muncie. It was read three times and passed Ayes 9; Nays 3.
This ordinance establishes a Board of Police, which shall have complete control over the policemen, having power to place them upon beats, etc. It is copied after the ordinances of Indianapolis, Richmond and Lafayette. We will now have a Metropolitan police system.
The plat of Pollock was accepted by city.
Crabbs moved that all parties who, hereafter, throw manure, tin cans, or any rubbish in alleys shall be fined. Carried.
Civil engineer was ordered to build a sewer for the relief of the Hill Manufacturing Company immediately, and that the railroad company be notified of acts. The manufacturing company will pay for sewer if railroad company does not.
The contract for Adams street sewer was given to Moon, ann [sic] and Liberty street sewer to Tuhey.
Council adjourned at 10:31.