Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 15, no. 101, p. 3, col. 6-7
A complete List of Conflagrations
Occuring [sic] Occurring During the Year 1892.
There were 77 Alarms and the Loss
is Estimated at $413,645.
Through the courtesy of Fire Chief Shepp and his assistants, the HERALD is enabled to present to its readers the following list of fires occurring during the year 1892.
June 18, 9:15am, telephone message, Over & Hemingray’s glass works, $240,000
Chief Shepp and fireman Chat Taylor, Sam Russey, Geo C Maitlen, Wick Adams, Newt Russey, Jim Beckner, and Ted Whiteman have rendered excellent service and are to be complimented on their good work. Muncie has the best fire department in Indiana and excellent men in charge of it.