[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Journal of Electricity, Power and Gas
San Francisco, CA, United States
p. 235, col. 2
An item of interest regarding "Victor" insulators, showing the favor they are meeting with electrical engineers generally, is contained in an announcement received from the Locke Insulator Manufacturing Company of Victor, N. Y., to the effect that during the last few months they have closed contracts for their suspension types of transmission insulators as follows:
New England Power Co., Mass......................................... 66,000 volts
Mexican Northern Power Co., Mexico ............................. 110,000 "
Southern California Edison Co. ......................................... 66,000 "
Puebla Tramway, Light & Power Co., Mexico .................. 110,000 "
Cia Beneficiadora de Pozos, Mexico ................................. 60,000 "
Tri-City Railway and Light Co., Iowa ................................ 33,000 "
Pierson, Roeding & Co., of 118 New Montgomery street, San Francisco, with branch offices in Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles are the Pacific Coast agents for the "Victor" line of insulators.