Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 9, no. 252, p. 1, col. 8
$2,500 Will Be Necessary To Place
One In Working Order.
Enthusiastic Meeting Of the Muncie
Free Kindergarten Association
Held Yesterday.
The free kindergarten project is rapidly assuming definite shape and will ultimately prove successful. Quite a number of the foremost in ladies and gentlemen in the city have interested themselves and will not even spell the word defeat. A Free Kindergarten is one of Muncies' needs and all the seeds must be supplied. Yesterday afternoon the members of the Muncie Free Kindergarten association met again at the Presbyterian church and were called to order by the President Mrs. Webster Richey. It was decided that $2,500 will be needed to start the Kindergarten and place it on a solid foundation. The amount will be raised by subscription. Persons selected to serve on committees were named as follows:
Finance — T F Rose, A L Johnson, W R Snyder, Geo O Cromwell, W E Hitchcock, Mrs. Arrabella Winans and Miss Jennie Neely.
Executive — Mesdames Arthur Smith, Robert Branch, Robert Hemingray, Messrs. F O Grannis, H M Winans and J C Johnson.
Children — Mesdames Will Marsh, Thad Neely, J H Sprankle, S C Cowan, Jerome Galliher and C H Anthony.
Church— Mesdames Long, King, Bowman, Cromwell, Slinger, Hart, Gray, Boyer, Johnson, Cates, Ramsey, Berger and Bard.
Press — Teague of the News, Williamson of the Times and Maddy of the HERALD.