Publication: The Muncie Daily Times
Muncie, IN, United States
Successful in Numbers and Enthusiasm and Satisfactory as to the General Arrangements.
There was a good attendance of citizens at the court house last night to make the preliminary arrangements for the coming meeting of the Department Encampment G.A R. of Indiana. The meeting was made up principally of leading citizens and the active workers in the G.A.R. and W.R.C.
Mayor Cromer was called upon to preside and Major Wildman briefly stated the object of the meeting. Department Commander O.A. Marsh, Adjutant General Smock, Quartermaster General Weaver and Mrs. Nettie Rainsford, president of the W.R.C. were present and all made short but interesting remarks in the way of information to the several committees in charge of the work.
The number that will be in attendance will probably exceed the expectations of the citizens of Muncie but there was a general expession [sic] expression by those present that they would all be entertained in a manner unsurpassed by any other city in the state up to this time. The members of the W.R.C. were well represented and are going to be enthusiastic in the work. Various committees had been previously selected and the names are given below. Some of them had met and organized and others are yet to meet for that purpose. Work of preparation will begin at once and it is hoped that no one will stand back and wait for someone else to do the work. With the names presented and adopted, as committees, the work will be comparatively light on all, but it will require cordial and hearty cooperation to meet the demands made upon the city in properly caring for this great assemblage. Muncie’s name and fame for hospitality and cordiality has never yet suffered on any occasion and it will not now. Give a litte [sic] little time to make the boys in blue feel at home and as among friends.
The following is the list of the committees and the names of members.
George W. Cromer, Chairman
F.J. Claypool, Secretary.
G.W. H. Kemper, Treasurer
J C Johnson C M Kimbrough
George F McCulloch W S Richey
T F Rose W J Hilligoss
A W Brady Frank Ellis
G W H Kemper C M Kimbrough
Geo F McCulloch T H Kirby
A L Johnson Lee Lacey
Mark Powers J E Haffner
Rev J F Carney Granville . . . [illegible text] . . .
Mayor G W Cromer Bert Bradbury
Wm Abbott R H . . . [illegible text] . . .
Frank Anderton Joseph A Brown
Walter Andrews Dr Geo W Backlia
Geo E Andrews C A Budd
Charles Baldwin W J Carson
Ed M Ball James C Chamberlain
R M Ball A W Chapman
Walter M Ball Rev S S Clarks
Geo H Ball O W Crabbs
John E Banta O N (illegible text)
Thos H Barton Geo O Cromwell
R J Beatty James N. Cropper
Wm A Blair M S Claypool
Charles Boldt Rev. B F Cross
Joseph F Bowers Walter L Davis
B F Bowman W E Driscoll
Geo E Dungan F A Eldred
Charles Emerson Rev F H Hays
John R Ervin R C Hemingray
Duck Everett R G Hemingray
W E Floyd H H Highlands
C P Franklin EH Hoover
Jerre Gerrard O A Johnson
Samuel Gayman Jacob W Keesling
J A Goddard Eugene Kelley
J V Gilbert R S Gregory
R C Griffith A L Kerwood
F D Halmbaugh J P Kessler
John A Hamilton C W Kilgors
T E Harrington Chas A Kitts
Thos F Hart Henry G Klein
George Koerner Geo T Hartey
Will P Koons Geo L Lenon
A V R Patton Frank Leon
Joseph Parter Dr J C Quick
Oliver Raymond J O (illegible text)
D H McAbee J W Ream
J H McClung John K Ritter
C C McCrillina Harden Roads
John W Ryan Thomas McKillip
Wm P Sherry Geo N McLaughlin
A L Shideler C L Medsker
C E Shipley W W Shirk
A J Meeks A J Slinger
J F Meredith Ephraim Smell
John S Moore James Smith
C F W Neely E P Smith
F B Nickey T P Snell
Lon M Neely M C Smith
Edward Olcott Elmer Smith
Dr W A Spurgeon C S Wachtell
L E Starr Quince Walling
Marion Stewart . . . [illegible text] . . . Warner
Jacob Stiffler A J Williams
Dr H M Winans J L Streeter
E E Sutton C A Winters
O H Swain Burt Whiteley
Dr G W Searcy Wm H Wood
Zora Sharp A L Wright
James N Templer E O Yockey
Geo Shaw John Douglas
John W Taylor C B Templer
Reuben Thompson Wm A Thompson
Dr I N Trent J B Turner
Rev. Broylse Rev. E W Stewart
M E Vandercook.
Committee from the Woman’s Relief Corps to act with like committees of the G.A.R. and citizens were appointed as follows:
Miss A Davidson Mrs Marr Dowell
Mrs M Cashdollar Mrs Della Stuvey
Mrs Mary Work.
Mrs M Lockwood Delia Shewmaker
Mrs J McLaughlin Mrs E Brooks
Mrs Della Stuvey Mrs P Crouch
Mrs Julia Richey Miss M Mansfield
Miss A Davidson
Miss Essie Johnson Mrs Mary Dowell
Miss Rose Russell Mrs J W Kaesling
Mrs F C McGrath Mrs M McDowell