Publication: The Muncie Daily Times
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 16, no. 79, p. 1, col. 2
They Demand More Wages, are
Organized and Make Threats —
"Indiana" Lassies Fight.
At the Hemingray Glass Works yesterday morning, the twelve or fifteen girls employed made a demand for more wages and being refused, quit work.
The girls are employed at cleaning lamps and other wares made in the factory and they have been receiving about $2.50 per week for their work. Some of them get a trifle more.
It seems that they were well organized. When the spokesman made the demand of superintendent John Gray for more wages he informed them that their demand would not be considered and he gave them five minutes time in which to decide whether they would got to work or get out of the factory. They decided not to work and all filed out and the company stated that their places are being filled.
Another story, which is denied by the company, is to the effect that the girls got out of the factory and laid for Ralph Hemingray, one of the proprietors, with stones and clubs, and that Mr. Hemingray kept himself concealed from the irate strikers.
It is claimed that they are carefully watching the factory to see that no other girls fill their places, but the factory is moving right along.
There was quite a scrimmage yesterday evening about 5:30 o'clock at the Indiana Iron works in which hair pulling and scratching predominated. There are two sets of girls employed in the cutting room of the bolt shop. The girls of one faction live in Congerville and the other in Shedtown. For along time there has existed a bitter feeling between the two sides but not until yesterday was there any show of violence. Two girls, one from each faction became enraged in a quarrel over a trivial matter. One made a scathing remark that was not altogether appropriate. The other replied equally as sarcastic and in a moment the two were at each other moving around the room in a lively manner, pulling each other's hair and making desperate attempts to disable each other with their long finger nails. The fight grew so exciting that the adherents of both joined in and for a short time the din was awful. The combatants screamed as they made lunges for each other and the results would have been direful if the male employes of the mill had not interfered and separated them. As it was several faces bear unnaturally red creases down their faces and a few heads are a little the worse for the loss of hair.