Publication: The Muncie Daily Times
Muncie, IN, United States
Many Ladies Enjoy a Trolley Ride – Mrs. C. N. Wilcoxon as Hostess.
About seventy-six ladies were delightfully entertained last evening by Mrs. C. N. Wilcoxon with a trolley ride. At 5 o’clock the ladies assembled at the residence of Mrs. Wilcoxon and a half hour later took the cars at the corner of elm and Main streets. Two cars were in service. They had been arranged with a line of electric bulbs along the sides which were shaded wit Japanese lanterns. The inside lights were shaded with bunting of the National colors, which was draped from corner to corner. After making the trip to Industry and to Congerville, the guests were taken to Westside and at the loop the cars stopped, the lights in all their brilliancy were turned on, and an elegant repast was found in readiness. Lap boards, the length of the car seats, had been prepared, covered with linen coverings and each made a table for eight or ten. An elegant supper was served in courses, consisting of coffee, salads, pressed chicken, pickles, olives, bread and butter, ice cream, cakes and confections, the ice cream being served in dainty paper cups. After an hour spent in merriment and a general good time, a part of it spent in strolling around the park, the guests took the cars for a continuation of the ride to Riverside. Several toasts were given in honor and appreciation of the hostess’ happy faculty of entertaining. The guests were then brought back to the place of starting on Elm street, from which point they separated for their homes, delighted with the pleasures of the occasion. Those presenter were
Mesdames –
Elizabeth Wilson W W Shirk
J N Templer John W Garner
E J Wallace J L Kingsbury
Carrie Burt R S Gregory
Thomas Morgan W H Moreland
Louisa Cassady C L Medsker
E W Bishop W E Hitchcock
Chas H Anthony Harvey Long
C H Church O L Bender
Frank A Thrall Vernon Davis
Lee Coffeen Will Meeks
Geo H Andrews Giles Collins
J E Durham J F Wick
A J Phinney Will Youse
Ervil Bishop G O Janney
J S Martin W S Richey
Geo M Bard Harvey Koontz
Carl Franklin James Smith
Harry Wysor G W H Kemper
Elmer Smith S V Gilbert
C G Neely Frank Harris
A J Williams W R Snyder
C F W Neely H H Harlott
Milton Long D Cammack
O A Johnson J F Wildman
Milton Gray Chas Brown
William Dickey Ralph Hemingray
W M Winans Milton Thomas
W F McDowell F M Valentine