Publication: The Muncie Daily Times
Muncie, IN, United States
Some of Them Will Resume Work
Next Week - Others Will Not.
This morning a Times reporter called at the several glass factories to ascertain when they would resume work, as the general time set is September 1st.
That day coming on Sunday none will have to work then. Monday is Labor Day and that will be a holiday. On Tuesday the Muncie Flint Glass Company will put about one-half of their work force at work and the remainder will begin work on the 16th.
The Port Glass Company are all in readiness to begin work, but the start will not be made before the last of the week.
Mr. Wilcoxon, of the Nelson Glass Company, is out of the city, but it is understood that his factory will not commence work before week after next.
Ball Bros. have not yet decided when they will commence work, but the start will likely not be made next week. A member of the firm stated that their improvements were not completed and probably no part of the factory would start until all was in readiness. Some parts of the big plant are now ready for work and may possibly be started.
The window glass factories, Maring, Hart & Co. and C. H. Over & Co. will not begin work for at least three weeks yet as previously stated. The Hemingray Glass Company have been working day and night all summer to keep pace with orders and they will keep right ahead.