Publication: The Muncie Daily Times
Muncie, IN, United States
The Indiana Iron Company Heads the List – Will Resume Work Monday Morning – Interesting Figures.
The largest pay roll ever made in a Muncie iron industry was distributed to-day to the employes [sic] employees of the Indiana Iron company, the sum paid out, as reported by the president, Mr. Cromwell, being $20,400 for work done by the army of men for the two weeks ending November 2. The money was secured at the Union National bank by President Cromwell and Treasurer William Myers. A cab was secured from the transfer company, and Policeman Thornburg accompanied the two men and sacks of money to the works.
The company resumed work in the puddling mill department of the big works yesterday and next Monday morning all departments of the mill will resume work with about 800 hands. This will be joyful news, not only to the men employed, but to our merchants and citizens in general. At a meeting of the Indiana Iron Company this week the following board of directors was elected: J. D. Platt, J. W. Stoddard, of Dayton, O; B. F. Borune and L. A. Cobb, Cleveland; Gorge M. Bard, George O. Cromwell and W. M. Myers, Muncie. Mr. Stoddard and Mr. Myers are new members of the company and the junior member, Mr. Myers, the very efficient cashier, is to be congratulated.
This is pay day in several other of Muncie’s industries. The Whiteley Malleable Castings Company paid out $8,000 for two weeks’ work, Hemingray Glass company nearly $2,000 for one weeks’ labor, The Florence Iron & Steel Company, $3,500; Wheel Company, $1,000; J. H. Smith & Co. $1,200; Patton Hollowware Works, $1,000; Maring, Hart & Co. $8,000; Midland Steel Company, semi-monthly $15,000; Muncie Pulp Mill, $1,000; C. H. Over & Co, $8,200; Muncie Iron & Steel Co., $1,200;