Publication: The Muncie Daily Times
Muncie, IN, United States
Shown to an Enthusiastic Audience
-Entertainment Well Received –
An entertainment known as the Gathering of the Nations was given at the Wysor Grand last night. Mrs. Weller, of New York, arrived in the city some ten days ago and began organizing the forces for this exhibition, which was the most novel and pleasing of anything of this character ever given in the city. The cast of characters was made up by young ladies and gentlemen and children from four to eighteen years old. Of course with the little children, mistakes in movements were expected, but the simplicity of the thing and the honesty of the errors was one of the points that made the entertainment doubly interesting. After music by the orchestra the curtain was rung up by and the grant march took place which was to assemble all the nations represented on the stage, each company being costumed in accordance with the character. They were arranged in the following order: Young Americans, Nurses, Germans, Uncle Sam, English and American quadrille, Irish, Danes, Scotch, Sailors, Merry Makers and Turks.
Little Mary Meeks, age four years, capture the audience with a dance. The assembling of all the characters on the stage made a company of nearly 200 and was a beautiful sight.
The curtain was run down and afterwards each specialty was introduced and it was all so well done and so pleasing that round after round of applause followed each number, several encores being responded to.
An incident full of pathos awakened sympathy throughout the entire audience. A little tot made a misstep and fell upon the platform, her partner in the dance standing by her pityingly until she arose wiping away tears with the backs of her chubby little hands. She was out of her place but for a moment and taking hold of her partner’s hand with one of her own while with the other she lifted a corner of her dress and wiped the tears from her cheeks, her natural and childlike actions drew upon the sympathy of everybody and more than two hundred people could have taken her in their arms and affectionately kissed away the tears.
Little Ruth Leffler, bright and chubby and absorbed with her part, scarcely large enough to keep up with her companions, attracted everybody’s attention from the start by her sedate and earnest ways and was the recipient of a handsome bouquet of flowers from some appreciative admirer in the audience.
Louise Thomas Agnes Monroe
Meda . . . [illegible text] . . . Edith Jones
Nathalla Bricker Mineaux Hartley
Bernice Hartley Nadie Stockey
Elsie Humphrey Blanche Dowell
Edna Hulbert Nellis McClung
Ella Jones Mabel Slinger
Vida Woods Mabel Reigie
Mabel Warren Nellie Henry
Patroness – Mrs. Little.
Florence Gregory Fern Stokely
Charlotte Bishop Janet Turner
Ashley Hemingray Ruth Crampton
Mabel Goodlander Clara Youngman
Stella Geiger Emily Howe
Ethel Davis Lena Turner
Lillie Shauffelberger Florence Ream
Mary Meeks – age, four years.
Patroness – Mrs. Kingsbury.
Caroline Wood Louise Phinney
Blanche Winters Gertrude Clark
Helen Smith Louise Lyman
Blanche Higgen- Lottie Shaw bogham
Patroness – Miss Winifred Smith.
Lydia Miller Bertha Hamilton
Agnes Howe Sara Kirby
Ethel Cunnington Fern Mitchell
Edith Blair Bessie Baughman
Patroness – Mrs. Cassady.
Ralph Garst Harry Orr
Will Cassady Fred Rose
Stanley Pershing Will Haymond
John McMillan Paul Miller
Walt Gregory Loring Tyner
Ralph Bard Frank Shirk
Herb Johnson Robert Scott
Harry Hartley George Bart
Clifford Oliver
The gross receipts were $157.00 and gross expenses $75, leaving $42 net profit from the entertainment.