Publication: The Muncie Daily Times
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 18, no. 125, p. 8, col. 3
Interesting Items From One of Muncie's
Busy, Bustling Factories.
One of the busiest spots in Muncie is Hemingray's glass works in Industry. The factory is running night and day and the company has a large number of orders ahead. Possibly several of the departments, but not the whole factory will run the entire year.
Jack Fitzgibbons of Covington, Ky., is one of the new hustling gatherers.
Joe Walters, a general utility man, is in Chicago visiting relatives and friends.
Joe Narry and Frank Bird of Pittsburg are recent acquisitions to the force in the globe jar department.
Bud Thomas says he lost a coat the other day. His friends do not believe it. They say he never had a coat.
Joe Elliot, the presser who would not accept any more wages than he was capable of earning, is on the sick list.
There is some talk that tank No. 1 will be enlarged next spring, that an addition thirty feet long will be built to it.
All the boys like George Walker, the packer. He is genial, jovial and jolly and they say a nice fellow workman.
Ed Donohue and Andy Galligher of Wheeling, W. Va., recently came to Muncie and are working in the globe department.
The men at this factory are contented as peas in a pot. They and the company get along extremely well and no controversies occur.
John Butler, foreman and finisher of the globe department, is one of the best men in the country at his trade. He surely knows his business.
The boys in the lamp department are all busy workers. The blowers hustle so fast that their helpers hardly keep pace with them in their work.
Samuel Bird, the blower in the globe department, has many friends, including a few of the ladies. Sam is a fly boy, as his name will indicate.
About 22,000 insulators are being turned out daily. Of these about 9,000 are pony insulators. The boys in this department do not allow an idle minute to escape them, but keep on the jump all the time.
It is rumored that John Evans, the unusually handsome presser, will soon take to himself a lovely young lady of this city. He has been trying to keep it quiet, but John has a prospective brother-in-law who is not tongue-tied.