[Newspaper] Publication: The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, CA, United States |
HEMINGRAY RULED OFF TRACKS OF JOCKEY CLUB. SUICIDE OF HIS ALLEGED WIFE CAUSES ACTION. Locke Persists in the Statement That the Horseman Knew the Beautiful Cariotta Was in Despair and That She Contemplated Suicide. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. — A.M.) SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 2. — Robert Hemingray, the horseman, whose alleged wife committed suicide last Saturday evening at the Hotel Knickerbocker, was ruled off the tracks at the California Jockey Club today. This action was ordered by the club management, after consideration of the facts made public in connection with the young woman's suicide. Mrs. P. F. Campiglio telegraphed Chief of Police Wittman from Indianapolis this morning that she firmly believed that her daughter, Carlotta, was slain by the hand of another at the Knickerbocker apartment house of Saturday night last. In her message Mrs. Campiglio begs the local department not to rest content with the theory of suicide now offered, but to sift the matter down, and seek the slayer of her child. While the theory has been generally accepted that the youngr woman shot and killed herself, the police will nevertheless proceed upon the assumption that other hands might have shed her life, and the grave assertions made to the authorities yesterday by J. Locke, whose wife is proprietress of the Knickerbocker, will be in an important factor in the investigation. Locke has declared in a statement made to the police, and to Chief Deputy Coroner McCormick that Robert Hemingray knew full well that the girl presented as his wife was in despair and contemplated suicide. When the inquest is called by Coroner Leland tomorrow Locke will be erquired [sic] required to repeat the statement he has made to the authorities under oath and in the presence of the Hemingrays and a jury. The Hemingray contingent insists that Locke has conjured a story for the purpose of getting notoriety. Robert especially denies that he did purposely leave the loaded pistol where Carlotta might reach it and use it. |
Keywords: | Hemingray |
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Researcher: | Bob Stahr |
Date completed: | October 21, 2009 by: Bob Stahr; |