Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 19, no. 48, p. 8, col. 4
The Small Boys at Hemingray Quit Work Yesterday
Because They Are Tired of Being Made Fun of and Say They Will Not Work Without More Pay.
The Hemingray Glass Company is having trouble with about one half of the 75 boys employed in their factory in Industry.
Yesterday morning 30 of the boys employed on the tank reported as usual for work, but before taking their places marched out of the factory, held a caucus and sent a committee to see the firm and present their grievance.
The boys have been receiving 60 cents per day for their work and the [sic] they demand an increase of 15 cents. The committee was informed by Robert Hemingray, that after their actions in walking out of the factory before consulting him that their demand would not be recognized or in any way adhered to. Later it is alleged that Mr. Hemingray stated that he would have considered the demand very seriously had the boys acted in the right spirit.
In a short time the youngsters, some of them not over 8 years old, became very boisterous in their attempt to get other boys in the factory to quit and the police were called to see that the strikers kept off the property. Officer Ball was called and won his case with ease alone.
The company put some men to work where the boys were off and nearly all shops worked as usual, but under difficulties, during the day.
This part of the factory is not worked at night and it is believed that several of the boys will return to work this morning and the matter adjusted satisfactorily to all.
The strikers failed in the attempt to induce the boys on the day turn in the other part of the factory to quit, and they spent the entire day in the vicinity of the factory waiting for the night crew, but none of them would join the strikers.
The lads claim that the boys at Ball Brothers get more pay than they do and that the Ball Brothers’ boys have been jeering and call them scabs until they one [sic] are tired of it.