Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 19, no. 49, p. 1, col. 6
Juvenile Strikers Cause Serious
Trouble at Hemingray’s
The Last Shift Quit Work Last
Night to Join the Other “Kids”
Outside – Greeted with Cheers.
At 10 o’clock last night about forty small boys marched out of the Hemingray Glass factory, with aprons on, and they were greeted upon the outside with a mighty cheer that came from the jubilant young strikers, who had previously quit work.
The trouble started Wednesday morning, when the thirty boys employed in the tank department walked out. This did not materially affect the force of the factory as the places of nearly all were filled with men at $1.25 per day, but in many instances the men could not do the work so well nor did the like the job. The strikers attempted to get the day turn in the other department of the factory to quit work, but the failed. When the night turn in the other department reported for work at 5:30 Wednesday evening they were each of them met on Macedonia avenue near the factory and asked to join them. While some expressed themselves as in sympathy they did not want to take chances on being discharged unless there was some unity and all quit.
During Wednesday night the day turn boys held a meeting and decided to join the other lads, and correspondingly they quit work yesterday morning. This made the trouble all the greater for the company but work continued yesterday on some shops. Last evening the night turn held a meeting and decided to walk out at 10 o’clock and they did so in a body 40 strong, each with apron on and lunch basket in hand. The factory was at once closed in all departments and likely will be until some settlement is made with the young strikers.
They demand an increase of 15 cents per day on 60 cents , or $1.50 per week having been receiving $3.60. It was stated by one of the boys, but unofficially that they might go back to work for $4.25 per week, but not one cent less.
The boys have no organization and the union men in the factory have no right to take any part in the trouble, but the company believe that some of men are urging the boys forward in their action.
A News reporter made a close survey of the trouble among the boys yesterday and there was no indications that the union men were aiding them in any manner.
For the good of all concerned it is to be hoped that the trouble will be speedily settled.