Publication: The Muncie Daily Times
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 19, no. 96, p. 5, col. 2
Progressive Euchre Party.
Yesterday afternoon at her home on south Mulberry street, Mrs. John M. Kirby informally entertained about thirty lady friends in a charming manner. The event was in honor of Mrs. Perry S. Heath. The decorations consisted largely of chrysanthemums, which were in great profusion. Light refreshments were served during the afternoon. Progressive euchre furnished the principal amusement and Mrs. F. R. Thrall and Mrs. J. R. Marsh were the most successful players. The former won the most games and was awarded a beautiful bunch of pink roses tied with pink ribbon. For the most lone hands Mrs. Marsh received a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums tied in ribbon of the same color. The guests were: Mesdames J. W. Ryan, C. L. Bender, J. A. Meeks, H. M. Winans. J. R. Marsh, B. H. Whiteley, T. K. Heinsohn, Ralph Hemingray, J. A. Heinsohn, E. D. DuBois, A. J. Williams, J. E. Haffner, B. F. Bradbury, F. W. Heath, F. R. Thrall, G. V. Jennings, A. F. Patterson, N. F. Ethell, L. L. Turner, T. Morgan, J. E. Durham and her guest, Mrs. Rooney, Kate Wilson, R. S. Gregory, C. A. Spilker, W. F. Dickie, W. L. Little, Suzane Thomas, G. M. Bard, H. H. Highlands, M. C. Smith and G. F. McCulloch.