The Elks Memorial; RC Hemingray listed as member


Publication: The Muncie Daily Times

Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 19, no. 116, p. 1, col. 2-3



Excellent Music and a Fine Address

Before an Audience That Crowded

the Opera House.

The unusual services at the Wysor Grand yesterday afternoon under the auspicies of Muncie Lodge, No. 245, B.P.O.E. were beautiful and impressive and were attended by an audience that crowded the opera house. The Elks occupied seats on the stage which was handsomely decorated with chrysanthemums, palms and other evergreens. The widows of the deceased members of the lodge, John Ervin, George Lenon, and Charles Beemer, who all died during the last year, occupied the right hand box in the balcony and they were visibly affected by the beautiful ceremonies.

Promptly at 3 o’clock the orchestra commenced the program with the overture “William Tell.” Next came a sweet, touching song by a quartette, composed of Will R. Youse, Everett Moffit, Les Wachtell and Fred Prothero. Mayor George W. Cromer, Exalted ruler of the lodge, then conducted the opening of the lodge of sorrow, which was very interesting to those present not members or [sic] of the order. After the opening Ode by the Elks Rev. Harry S. Riggs made the invocation, after which Mr. Prothero rendered a solo, “I will Lift Up Mine Eyes.”

Then the eulogies of the departed Elks were made by the members. That of Charles Beemer, the first deceased member of Muncie lodge, was presented b Henry J. Keller. Capt. Frank Ellis presented that in member o John R. Ervin and Dr. George Scarcy that of George Lenon. All were beautiful, touching tributes from those who knew the deceased members so well.

After a solo by Prof. MacHenry and another selection by the orchestra, Mayor Cromer introduced Rev. Henry G. Perry, a distinguished looking divine of Chicago as the speaker of the meeting. Rev. Perry is pastor of a large Episcopal church in Chicago. He is past exalted rule of the Chicago lodge of Elks and present exalted chaplain of the grand lodge. He is a learned man and his remarks were deep and thoughtful. They greatly impressed the audience.

The quartet sang another song after which the orchestra rendered a beautiful selection. The doxology was sung and the Rev. Riggs pronounced the benediction. As the audience went out, the orchestra played “Elks’ March.”

The officers of the lodge are: Exalted Ruler, George W. Cromer; Esteemed Leading Knight, Harry R. Wysor; Esteemed Loyal Knight, Elmer J. Whiteley; Esteemed Lecturing Knight, C.F.W. Neely; Treasurer, J.C. Abbott; Secretary, Joseph F. Bowers; Esquire, John C. Gray; Inner Guard, Chas. Baldwin; Tyler Joe Sawyer.

The other members are: C.H. Anthony, John E. Banta, C.T. Barlett, C.H. Beeson, W.E. Beeson, Charles L. Bender, Erville D. Bishop, Charles Boldt, D. Vol. Bower, John G. Bowers, Homer Bowles, Ed J. Boyce, James Boyce, P.P. Busch, David Cammack, D.P. Campbell, W.W. Canady, Lew C. Carnes, Harry A. Cates, John W. Cherry, Geo. P. Davis, Vernon Davis, H.F. Dungan, Alfred Damm, Frank Ellis, Frank A. Elrod, Charles Emerson, Geo. B. Fletcher, Harry W. Flowers, L.S. Ganter, Ralph R. Georgia, Wm. H. Gill, Lee M. Glass, Ralph S. Gregory, J. C. Griesheimer, A.H. Hamilton, C.F. Heckenhauer, R.C. Hemingray, R.G. Hemingray, T.K. Heinsohn, H.H. Highlands, W.L. Holmes, Eli Hoover, H.L. Hopping, Isaac Humphrey, James R. Johnson, Jas. L. Jones, H.J. Keller, A.E. Kelley, Chas. A. Kelley, J. F. Kennedy, E. Will Kirk. S.F. Kiser, Henry C. Klein, Geo. A Klein, Edward M. Klein, A.M. Klein, Howard Lewis, George W. Love, John H. Love Jr., J.H. McClellan, Geo F. McCulloch, Will F. Maggs, Harry P. March, W.E.H. Marsh, Frank Miller, Everett Moffitt, Walker Monroe, D.L. Moreland Chas. H. Murry, J. Carl O’Hara, Henry O’Meara, J.H. Parsons, Will M. Patterson, W.H. Patton, Mac C. Pfitzner, Bert Powers, O.F. Raymond, Frank T. Reed, Geo. E. Retter, John K. Ritter, John P. Ryan, C.E. Russey, Chas. O. Sawyer, Walter G. Scott, Geo. H. Scarcy, C.C. Shaufelberger, C.E. Shipley, A.K. Smith, J. Russ Smith, John L. Smith, Carl A Spilker, C.F. Springer, Wm. H. Sumption, J. H. Thornburg, Will Trullender, Edward Tuhey, Jacob Vogt, F.L. Wachtell, Quince Walling, J.T. Walterhouse, T.L. Ward, Burt H. Whiteley, Chas. N. Wilcoxon, S.E. Wilkinson, A.J. Williams, G.G. Williamson, H.M. Winans, Chas. A. Winters, R.T. Winters, Thomas Wirt, Charles Woodruff, Will R. Youse.


Clarence Carson was the piano accompanist for the special vocal numbers.

Rev. Perry was agreeably impressed with the flourishing condition and beautiful hall of Muncie’s Elks.

The committee of arrangements, Will R. Youse, F.L. Wachtell and Alfred Damm, did their work well.

Lee Wachtell performed the duties of secretary in place of Dr. Joe Bowers who is sick, in the opening of the lodge of sorrow.

The immense audience which attended the services was simply a token of the high esteem in which Muncie’s lodge of Elks is held by the people.

Mayor Cromer impressed the audience as being a fine presiding officer, causing no wonder that he occupies the highest office within the gift of Muncie Elks.


Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Roger Lucas / Bob Stahr
Date completed:October 17, 2011 by: Deb Reed Fowler;