Publication: The New York Times
New York, NY, United States
p. 24
Several Americans Are Among
Those Going to Luxor for
the Winter.
Fleet Includes Baltic, Minnewaska
and Rotterdam - Paris Due
in From Havre.
Seven liners will leave today for Europe and two for the West Indies, all with large passenger lists. Several Americans are going to spend the Winter at Luxor and Assouan, Upper Egypt.
Passengers on the Rotterdam of the Holland-American Line, for Rotterdam, include Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Channing and family, Mrs. Helen Willoughby Smith, Mrs. Eva H. Hemingray, Mrs. Rollin Kirby, Frank Bigelow Kennard, Dr. Robert Meldau, Mrs. Winthrop Chanler, Mrs. Lester Elwood, the Rev. Dr. F. Meffert, Mr. and Mrs. C. Vanderbilt Barton, Dr. Herbert Kienzle, Mr. and Mrs. Odell Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Anhalt and daughter, Chase H. Davis, Mrs. Charles Anderson, Miss Catherine J. Anderson, Mrs. J. B. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Daniels and family, Mrs. Fraderick Bentley, Miss Marion Davis, Mrs. J. Roberts Mead, Mrs. Hornsby Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Frank, and Howard H. Marblestone.