Third Assembly Ball dance; Ralph, Carroll & Llewellyn Hemingray in attendance


Publication: The Muncie Morning Star

Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 1, no. 270, p. 5, col. 1-4



The last Assembly dance of this season's series was given last night at Shirk's hall. Society folks were out en masse, as there will be no other large social affair before Lent.

The lights, the smooth floor, the elegant gowns, jewels and flowers worn by the women made a brilliant scene. Montani Brothers' orchestra from Indianapolis furnished delight­ful music.

Punch was served in the reception room, which opens off the dancing hall. This apartment was artistical­ly hung with Turkish draperies and made a comfortable and cozy retreat for the dancers.

The costumes worn at the dance were all exceedingly pretty. The whole affair was equally as charm­ing as the Christmas dance, which was one of the smartest events that ever took place in Muncie. There were many out-of-town guests pres­ent.

Refreshments were served by Cater­er J. Rhine Hummel. Robert Murray was in charge of the check room.




Miss Edna Boyce — White Swiss trim­med in accordion plaiting; pink roses.

Mrs. Frank Ball — Barege silk trim­med in Duchesse pointe lace over lavender.

Mrs. O. W. Bartlett — White organ­die trimmed in accordion plaiting, lace yoke; diamonds.

Miss Brown, Louisville — Lavender and white striped satin, lace trimmings.

Mrs. George Bailey — White bro­caded silk trimmed in silk chiffon ac­cordion plaiting.

Mrs. George Ball — White French barege trimmed in black and old rose velvet and lace.


Miss Linnie Coffeen — Black silk grenadine.

Mrs. George Cobb — Lavender or­gandie trimmed in lace white satin and white ribbons.

Miss Mayme Cokefair, Anderson — Cerise silk trimmed in black lace and black velvet; red velvet, roses on cor­sage.


Mrs. J, J. Dow — Gray silk trimmed in spangles: diamonds.

Mrs. W. O Dickie — White silk mus­lin over white silk, black velvet trim­mings.

Miss Daniels — Blue silk crape, lace trimmings.

Mrs. James Durham — White organdie trimmed in accordion plaiting edged with white satin ribbons.


Elizabeth Ellis — Flowered organdie, white fichu trimmed in valenciennes lace.

Mrs. Rush E. Evans — White lace over white taffeta silk; violet trimmings.


Mrs. Mary French Field — Black spangled net over black silk; steel trimmings.

Mrs. Lynn Faulkconer, Seymour, Ind. — Black taffeta trimmed in black appliqued net over white satin; old rose velvet low on left shoulder.

Mrs. Lone Franklin — White crinkled crepe over silk, trimmed in Duchesse lace and yellow and black velvet rib­bons.


Mrs. Josephine Gray — White organ­die; violets.

Mrs. Robert D. Wilson — White silk net over white taffeta silk; pearls.

Miss Ida Goodlander — Blue silk poplin appliqued with white, trimmed in white satin striped plaiting.


Miss Llewellyn Hemingray — Pink silk muslin with white lace trimmings.

Miss Carroll Hemingray — Black spangled gauze over black silk.

Miss Helen Hickman — White organ­die over pink silk, lace trimmings, lace fichu.

Miss Agnes Howe — White organdie, white satin trimmings.

Mrs. W. E. Hitchcock — Lavender satin and yellow brocade beaver fur trimmings; diamonds.

Mrs. J. J. Hartley — Black taffeta, white satin yoke; pearls.

Mrs. Joseph Hummel — White silk muslin, accordion plaiting of white surah silk edged with silk ribbon, lace trimmings.


Miss Pearl Johnson — White silk chiffon over yellow silk, black velvet ribbon trimmings.

Miss Jarvis, Louisville — Orange taffeta, lace trimmings.





Miss Sara Kirby — White lace over white silk, lace trimmings; pink roses.

Miss Edith Kirby — Pink organdie, white yoke, ribbon trimmings.


Miss Florence McNaughton — Pink silk organdie over pink silk, narrow ribbon trimmings.

Miss McCartney, Ashtabula, O. — Cream cashmere trimmed in pink silk accordion plaiting and chiffon, lace yoke.

Mrs. J. M. Maring — Imported gown from India of white Dacco muslin trimmed in Valenciennes lace and hucknow gold embroidery; diamonds.


Miss Marie Norvell — Pink mousseline de sole, pink ribbon.


Miss Emily Olcott — Green silk or­gandie over green taffeta, chiffon trimmings.

Mrs. Over — Lavender silk, lace yoke, white mousseline de sole accordion plaiting, black velvet bows, violets; diamonds.


Mrs. C. O. Prutzman — White organ­die over lavender silk, lavender satin ribbon trimmings.


Miss Marian Ried — White silk chif­fon over pink taffeta, accordion plait­ing trimmings.


Mrs. W. L. Simonton — Lavender net with silver over lavender silk, steel trimmings; diamonds.

Mrs. A. K. Smith — Black foulard silk, cerise organdie rosettes.


Mrs. L. L. Turner — Black foulard silk.

Miss Corolla Taylor — White embroidered muslin trimmed in silk pipings.

Miss Fannie Turner — Black and white silk muslin trimmed in white accordion plaiting and black fringe; vio­lets.


Miss Eva Winchester — Pink organdie trimmed in black velvet ribbon.


Messrs. and Mesdames —

C. H. Anthony.                          Walter Andrews.

James Bingham.                        Frank Ball.

George Ball.                              R. J. Beatty.

Charles Bender.                         Vol Bower.

Burt Bradbury.                           Erville Bishop.

Earl Boyce.                                O. W. Bartlett




C. H. Church.                             Frank Claypool.

George Cromer.                         George Cobb.

C. T. Dages.                               David Cammack.

W. C. Dickie.                             D. N. Denslow.

J. E. Durham.                             J. J. Dow.

Daisy.                                         W. C. Denny.

Ed Ethel.                                    R. E. Evans.

Cary Franklin                            Lone Franklin.

L. S. Ganter.                              Carl Franklin.

A. L. Harriott                             J. J. Hartley.

W. E. Hitchcock.                       R. G. Hemingray.

Joseph Hummel.                        H. H. Highlands.

Geo. V. Jennings.                       Fred Heath.

John Kirby.                                J. E. Johnson.

Eugene Kelly.                            Tom Kirby.

Hal Kimbrough.                         Ed Klein.

Wm. Little.                                 Jesse R. Long.

J. R. Marsh.                                J. A. Meeks.

Herbert Maddy.                          J. M. Maring.

Geo. F. McCulloch.                    Frank Nickey.

C. H. Over.                                 Lewis Over.

Wm. Patterson.                           Paul Powers.

C. O. Prutzman.                          T. F. Rose.

C. M. Rich.                                 Frank Reed.

Cary Reed.                                  W. C. Sampson.

Robt. Sheffield.                           A. K. Smith.

C, M. Turner.                               L. L. Turner.

W. L. Simonton.                          F. R. Thrall.

Chas. Willard.                             Harry Winans.

Burt Whiteley.                             Elmer Whiteley.

J. R. Wick.

Geo. N. Catterson.                      Lynn Stone,

          Indianapolis.                              Indianapolis.

Claude Griffith,                           Wm. Thompson.

          Indianapolis.                               Alexandria.

Mart Norton,                                Clem Hoover,

          Anderson.                                   Anderson.

H. C. Stillwell,                             L. G. Wild.

          Anderson.                                   Anderson.

Albert Richey,                              David Durbin.

          Anderson.                                   Anderson.

Misses —

Emily Olcott.                                Fannie Turner.

Llewellyn Hemingray.                  Florence McNaughton.

Carroll Hemingray.                       Elizabeth Ellis.

Helen Hickman.                            Edith Kirby,

Sara Kirby.                                    Agnes Howe.

Josephine Gray.                            Reba Richey.

Clifford Bower.                            Edna Boyce.

Clara Gill.                                     Eva Winchester.

Pearl Johnson.                              Linnie Coffeen.

Marian Ried,                                Mary French Field,

          Fredonia, N. Y.                            Chicago.

Edith Daniels.                              Corella Taylor,

          Dayton, O.                                   Indianapolis.

Ida Goodlander,                           Miss Brown,

          Wabash.                                       Louisville, Ky.

Miss Mayme Cokefair,                Miss McCartney,

           Anderson.                                   Ashtabula, O.

Mrs. Lynn Faulkconer,



A. W. Brady.                                Frank Burt.

E. B. Ball.                                    Walter Baker.

Will Bloss.                                   Arthur Cassady.

E. G. Clark.                                  John Deam.

Chas. Grafton.                              Fred Georgia.

Chas. Gill.                                    Harry Greyer.

Walter Howe.                               Ray Johnson.

Peyton Janney.                              Fred Jones.

Frank Kimbrough.                        Robert Lytle.

Fred Lesh.                                    Jas. McNaughton.

W. McNaughton.                          Erie Meeks.

Will M. Myers.                             C. K. Mavity.

Karl Oesterle.                               Carl O’Harra.

Harry Paris.                                  Harry Parsons.

Robt. L. Ream.                             Walter Ryan.

Tom Ryan.                                    Xenia Smith,

Robt. E. Scott                               John Sprowl.

A. E. Seliger.                                Jay Lee Turner.

Will Thompson.                            Harry Wolf.

R. E. Walker.                                 Robert Williams.

P. A. Hinds.                                   Lige Fox,

           Indianapolis.                               Indianapolis.

Fred Swain,                                   Pierce Shaffer.

           Hartford.                                      Hartford.

Harry Skehan,                               Arthur Wellington,

           Anderson.                                    Anderson.

Sparks L. Brooks,                         Otto M. Vance,

           Anderson.                                    Anderson.

Elmer S. Allbright,                        Clarence Leib,

           Anderson.                                    Anderson.

Lew Fadeley,                                 C. M. Scott,

           Anderson.                                    Anderson.

Will Carpenter,                              Edward Jones.

           Anderson.                                    Anderson.

The committee who managed the affairs of the hall was composed of the following: R. E. Evans, George Ball, W. E Hitchcock, R. W. Williamson and R. E. Walker.

The patronesses were: Mrs. L. L. Turner, Mrs. William Little. Mrs. Edward Olcott, Mrs. John Kirby and Mrs. T. H. Walker.



Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Roger Lucas / Bob Stahr
Date completed:February 2, 2024 by: Bob Stahr;