Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 15, no. 150, p. 1, col. 4
Well Known Muncie Lady Answered Her Last Earthly Call Sunday
Mrs. Jane M. Hemingray, wife of Ralph Hemingray, the well known glass manufacturer, died Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Walker, 411 East Gilbert street, where the Hemingrays reside. The remains will be taken to Covington, Ky., for burial; other funeral arrangements have not been made.
Mrs. Hemingray was well known in Muncie society, though for the past few years she has been an invalid. She for a while was treated in a Cincinnati sanitarium. Her condition grew rapidly worse Saturday, and her sufferings were relieved at 3 o'clock Sunday. afternoon.
Mrs. Hemingray's maiden name was Matthews, before she was married to Mr. Hemingray at Maysville, Ky., almost 25 years ago. Her brother was the late Claude Matthews, governor of Indiana. A husband and two daughters, Lewellen [sic] Llewellyn and Carrol [sic] Carroll, survive her, as do also her mother, Mrs. L. P. Matthews, a brother Lewis Matthews and a sister, Miss Lydia Matthews, who reside in Covington, Ky. Another sister, Mrs. D. M. Massey, resides in Chillicothe, O.