Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
Magistrate and Constable Testified That He
Previously Pleaded Guilty - Labor News
of General Interest.
In a magistrate's court in Oakville Friday Edward and Charles Knecht, two of the boy strikers at the Hemingray glass factory, were found not guilty of assaulting Willie Hickbottom, who refused to cease work when a strike was declared. The case was peculiar in that one of the boys, who are brothers, is said to have previously pleaded guilty in Squire Moreland's court in this city, to the charge of assault. The case was tried before a jury of farmers, and, although Magistrate Moreland, John C. Eiler, Constable Floyd, and others of this city, took the witness stand and swore that one of the boys previously pleaded guilty to the charge, the jury acquitted him. The charge against the other boy was dismissed. Three boys were arrested, charged with assaulting young Hickbottom, and one of them, Harry O'Neil, pleaded guilty and paid a fine.
At the Hemingray factory the conditions are unchanged. Neither the boys nor the management has made any concessions.