Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
Majority of Muncie Factory Workmen Released Today —
Many Will Leave City.
Next Monday will witness the largest exodus of workingmen that has been made from this city in many months. Saturday a large number of the factories will cease operations for several weeks and the many employes will take a vacation.
The majority will go east. Many members of the A. F. G. W. U. will attend the national convention to be held in Atlantic City, N. J., and many of the G. B. B. A. members will attend the national convention in Pittsburg. The majority who go east will also spend a part of the time at the Buffalo exposition.
All the employes of the Ball factory except the whiteliners, will be given a vacation Saturday. On account of a shortage in the product of the white-liner department, the workmen have consented to work through the months of July and August. The statement is made that by so doing they are insured of ten months of work next year.
At the Humphrey factory also work will cease Saturday. The men have long been looking forward to the summer vacation.
At the Hemingray factory the summer vacation will commence after Saturday. The same is true of the Boldt factory.
All over the gas belt there will be a general suspension of work Saturday. The North Baltimore Bottle company and the Shelby steel tube works at Albany will be closed, leaving only one factory in operation in that town.
During the recent hot weather the workmen in all parts of the gas belt have looked forward longingly to the summer vacation and none regret that it is at hand.
The statement is made that the majority of the departments in the mills of the Republic Iron and Steel company will be closed, probably for a month.
There will be no suspension of work at the Midland.